Drag Gesture
Type : Continuous
Configuration class: GestureConfigDrag
Event class: GestureEventDrag
Action description:The user touched the screen, performed a translation and withdraw its finger(s).
Comments: The number of finger on the screen cannot vary during the gesture. The programmer can modify the MinimumDragDistance field if he need the gesture to be triggered for smaller drags.
Flick Gesture
Type : Discrete
Configuration class: GestureConfigFlick
Event class: GestureEventFlick
Action description:The user touched the screen, performed a quick straight translation and withdraw its finger(s).
Comments: The number of finger on the screen cannot vary during the gesture. The programmer can modify the MinimumFlickLength field to constrain the flick to have a minimum length.
Long Press Gesture
Type : Discrete
Configuration class: GestureConfigLongPress
Event class: GestureEventLongPress
Action description:The user touched the screen, and maintained the pressure without moving during a given time (default about 1 second).
Comments: The number of finger on the screen cannot vary during the gesture. The programmer can modify the RequiredPressTime field to change the press time.
Composite Gesture
Type : Continuous
Configuration class: GestureConfigComposite
Event class: GestureEventComposite
Action description:The user touched the screen with two fingers, and moved them independently.
Comments: This gesture is a composition the 3 basic transformations translation, scale, rotation. It requires exactly 2 fingers on the screen. The gesture is triggered when the system detect a small translation, scale or rotation. To perform a translation, the user translates uniformly the two fingers together. To perform a scale, the user moves closer or further the two fingers from each other. To perform a rotation, the user turns the two fingers around there their middle.
Tap Gesture
Type : Discrete
Configuration class: GestureConfigTap
Event class: GestureEventTap
Action description:The user touched the screen, and removed its fingers quickly without moving.
Comments: The number of finger on the screen cannot vary during the gesture.The programmer can modify the RequiredNumberOfTaps field to decide the number tap that he wants to detect. Note that to be able to distinguish single taps from multi-tap taps, the system has to wait a given time and thus introduces latency in tap events. If the programmer is interested only in single taps, he can put the MaximumTimeBetweenTaps field to 0 to avoid this latency.
By default, the input system does not recognize any Gesture. To start (resp. stop) some gesture recognition the programmer has to add (resp. remove) gesture configurations to the @‘SiliconStudio.Xenko.Input.ActivatedGestures‘ collection. Once a gesture is activated for recognition, its associated configuration is frozen and the user cannot modify it any more. If the user wants to stop all gesture recognition he can directly clear the collection.
Code: Activate/Desactivate Gestures Recognitions
var singleTapConfig = new GestureConfigTap(); // create the configuration of the gesture we want to recognize
Input.ActivatedGestures.Add(singleTapConfig); // start the tap gesture recognition
var doubleTapConfig = new GestureConfigTap(2, 1); // create the configuration of the gesture we want to recognize
Input.ActivatedGestures.Add(doubleTapConfig ); // start the double tap gesture recognition
// ...
Input.ActivatedGestures.Remove(singleTapConfig); // stop the tap gesture recognition
// ...
Input.ActivatedGestures.Clear(); // stop all remaining gesture recognitions
Each configuration class has a parameterless constructor corresponding to the default gesture configuration. Special constructors have also been implemented for parameters that the programmer may modify frequently. Other parameters correspond to fields that are not recommended to modify to keep a good coherency of the system. Those fields can be modified by accessing the corresponding properties.
Code: Set gesture configuration
var singleTapConfig = new GestureConfigTap(); // default config for the gesture.
var doubleTapConfig = new GestureConfigTap(2, 2); // personalize the gesture config by using the dedicated constructor
var noLatencyTap = new GestureConfigTap() { MaximumTimeBetweenTaps= TimeSpan.Zero }; // personalize the gesture config by directly accessing the desired property (user must be aware of was he does, this may break the input system coherency in some cases)
The programmer can access the recognized gestures via the @‘SiliconStudio.Xenko.Input.IInputManager.GestureEvents‘ collections. The collection is automatically cleared every frame.
Code: Access Gesture events
var currentFrameGestureEvents = Input.GestureEvents;
One can use the Type field to identity the gesture type and then cast it to the appropriate event type to have extra info about the event.
Code: Identifying the gesture type
foreach( var gestureEvent in Input.GestureEvents)
if (gestureEvent.Type != GestureType.Tap) // determine if the event is from a tap gesture
GestureEventTap tapEvent = (GestureEventTap) gestureEvent; // cast the event the specific tap event class
log.Info("Tap position: {0}.", tapEvent.TapPosition); // access tap event specific field
One can know the gesture state by analyzing the @‘ SiliconStudio.Xenko.Input.GestureEvent.State‘ field.
Code: Identifying the event state
case GestureState.Began:
case GestureState.Changed:
image.TransformPreview(compositeGestureEvent.TotalScale, compositionGestureEvent.TotalRotation);
case GestureState.Ended:
image.TransformRealImage(compositeGestureEvent.TotalScale, compositionGestureEvent.TotalRotation);