""" name = raw_input("Username") pwd = raw_input("PassWord") if name == "alex"and pwd == "123": print(‘yes‘) else: print(‘no‘) """ inp = raw_input(">>>") if inp == "1": print(‘111‘) elif inp == "2": print(‘222‘) elif inp =="3": print(‘333‘) else: print(‘...‘) if name == "alex" or name == "eric": 只要满足任何一个or的条件,进入当前代码块 1. if 条件: 代码块 else: 代码块 2. peif 条件: 代码块 else: 代码块 else: 代码块 3/条件: True False 1 > 2 n1 > n2 n1 == n2 name == "alex" or name == "eric" name != "alex" name == "alex" and pwd == "123"
""" import time n1 = True while n1: print(‘1‘) time.sleep(1) n1 = False print(‘end‘) """ """ import time kaishi = 1 flag = True while flag: print(kaishi) if kaishi == 10: flag = False kaishi = kaishi + 1 time.sleep(1) print(‘end‘) kaishi = 1 while True: print(kaishi) if kaishi == 10: break kaishi = kaishi + 1 #使用while循环输入1-10除7以外(break用于跳出所有循环,并且breake后面的代码不再执行 continue用于跳出本次循环,继续下次循环)""" start = 1 while True: if start == 7: start += 1 continue print(start) if start == 10: break start += 1
# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ temp = "张强"# utf-8 #解码,需要指定原来是什么编码 temp_unicode = temp.decode(‘utf-8‘) #编码,需要指定要编成什么编码 temp_gbk = temp_unicode.encode("gbk") print(temp_gbk) 算数 + - * / %(取余) //(整除) py2: 9/2=4 9/2=4.5(导入模块) py3: 9/2=4.5 PYCHARM 1、模板 file=>settings=>Editor=>file and code templete=> python script=> # usr/bin/env python # _*_ coding:utf-8 _ from __future__ import division val = 9/2 print (val) 2、文字大小 file => settings=>editor=>color and front=>save as..=>zitidaxiao 3、运行 a.点击要运行的文件,右键run b. view=>toolbar 选中要执行的文件 点击运行 c.在当前文件空白处,右键,run 4.切换py版本 file=>settings=>
时间: 2024-12-07 20:56:04