Day 3 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016 (afternoon)

13.30 hrs Keynote    Security in the World-Sized Web

Bruce Schneier,Chief Technology Officer, Resilient, an IBM Company, and Security

Information technology permeates all aspects of our lives. The combination of mobile, cloud computing, the IoT, persistent computing and autonomy are resulting in a World-Sized Web with great benefits but is vulnerable to a host of new threats. This talk will look at attempts to secure these systems and at technologies, laws, regulations, economic incentives and social norms we need to secure them in the future.

attacker scared

fwe attackert can do more damage by tech

attacker are too powerful succed

more security survived attacker

how to design gov to solve those problems

push gov involvement

computer do physical things

debate on auto-driver

14.00 hrs Keynote    Business Defence -- Managing the Insider Threat with Security Analytics

Alex Taverner,Head of Cyber, Commercial Solutions - JAPAC, BAE Systems

The insider threat is becoming increasingly difficult to detect and manage, as traditional toolsets are rendered largely ineffective. Thinking must evolve from formulaic remediation to a proactive approach considering changes in peoples‘ behaviours. How can the convergence of Big Data, threat intelligence and analytics help organizations defend against the insider threat?


14.20 hrs Keynote    Maximize the Value of Your Threat Intelligence

Jason Rolleston, Vice President of Product Management for Security Analytics, Intel

Security issues and threats make you vigilant in your efforts to keep your company assets safe. This session will explore why gaining better visibility into threats and risks is key to effective protection, and will help you understand why an open, adaptive and integrated ecosystem is necessary and how threat intelligence shared in real-time underpins security efficiency and resilience.

architecture drivers  velocity (速度)


orchestration 和谐

14.40 hrs Keynote    How to Build a World-Class Network Defence Organization

Chris Coryea,Cyber Intelligence Services Manager, Lockheed Martin

A Lockheed Martin cybersecurity expert shares practical, real-world tips on tackling the top three myths encountered while working with fortune 500 cyber-teams. Attendees will leave with clear direction on how to apply lessons learned from anecdotes shared.

outpace 超过

campaign heat map

enlightenment 启示

三个维度:Technology / framework / people

每个维度从三个方面进行分析:myth truth enlightenment

15:15 - 16:00 Tracks

Global Perspectives    A New World, New IT, New Security

Jackie Chen,Chief Product and Marketing Officer, Sangfor Technologies

New IT and business environments require new security architecture changes. New security is much more complex than just isolating the network with trusted and untrusted zones. Real-time security visibility through detection is the foundation for the new and proactive security. Fast response and adaption are needed when incidents happen, as well as automated and visualized provision and operation methods.

eFraud & Law Enforcement    Data and Surveillance

Bruce Schneier, Chief Technology Officer, Resilient, an IBM Company, and Security Technologist

Surveillance is one of the core technologies of the Internet. Corporations and governments use it for profit and control, and they share information with each other or lose it to cybercriminals in data breaches. We cooperate with corporate surveillance because it promises convenience and submit to government surveillance because it promises protection. The result is a mass surveillance society.

Cloud, Mobile, & IoT Security    Managing Security in Internet of Things Using API Management Platforms

Suhas Desai,Vice President - Digital Security, Aujas Networks Pvt Ltd

This session will cover security issues in connected devices (Internet of Things), security measures to consider during its integration with API management platforms and security issues with consumer applications and their cloud deployment.

Security Strategy & Data Security    Operationalizing the Three Principles of Advanced Threat Detection

Zulfikar Ramzan,Chief Technology Officer, RSA

The cybersecurity industry continues to migrate from a focus on prevention to a focus on faster detection and more comprehensive response. In this session, we will lay out the three principles of an effective threat detection program that organizations must understand and operationalize to achieve success in the new security paradigm.

Security Strategy & Data Security    Security Awareness Is Not Enough: Build Security Culture Using Science of Habits

Bikash Barai,Co-Founder, Cigital India

We know eating french fries is bad for our health, but we still do it. Awareness is not sufficient to change user behaviour or build the right security culture. This session will cover the recent research on behavioural psychology, ‘habit cycle‘ and culture formation. Why is it so hard to change culture? How can you use the science of habits to change your IT security culture?

Threats & Threat Actors    Threat Intelligence Landscape in China

Feng Xue,Founder, ThreatBook

In this session, Feng Xue will talk about the landscape of cyberthreat intelligence in China through case studies and stories. Among others, he will explore the very recent case of XCodeGhost, a group of hackers who managed to compromise almost all the iPhones in China, totaling about 100 million, and DarkHotel Operation 8651, where enterprises in China were targeted by attackers through APTs.

16:30 - 17:15 Tracks

eFraud & Law Enforcement    Dark Web Globetrotters: Differences in Seven Underground Markets

Ryan Flores,Senior Manager, Forward Looking Threat Intelligence, Trend Micro

Worldwide underground markets are as unique as cultures around the planet. These markets are directed at individual nations or regions, all specifically targeting certain clientele. This talk will explore the many undergrounds that exist globally, what they sell and offer, and how they differ from each other.

Threats & Threat Actors    Exploit Zoo: The Evolution of Exploit Kits

Jordan Forssman,Director, Proofpoint, Inc.

Exploit kits (EKs) have evolved to become the most widely used arsenal in the attackers toolbox. This talk will look at a broad spectrum of EKs and their evolution, deconstructs the various components and delivery methods, and uncovers evasive techniques used to make these attacks so devastating. The session will also provide access to a knowledge base and open source tools to help stay ahead of the game.

Global Perspectives    Extending Your Security beyond Traditional Safe Borders with OpenDNS

Demetris Booth,Head of Security Product Marketing & Evangelism (APJC), Cisco

In today‘s cloud-connected world, the way we work has changed, but security has not. When over half of the PC‘s in today‘s organizations are mobile, you need to protect them everywhere, not just inside the office. This session will discuss how OpenDNS works with Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) to provide advanced intelligence to predict and thwart future threats.

Cloud, Mobile, & IoT Security    Eyes Everywhere: Monitoring Today‘s Borderless Landscape

Bill Shinn,Principal Security Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

Perimeter security is difficult when the perimeter is no longer clear. Today‘s IT landscapes often span on-premises data centers as well as public cloud, not to mention direct user interaction from mobile devices. In this session you will learn about monitoring techniques at unlimited scale and most importantly how to extract meaning from the data.

Global Perspectives    Govern Every Identity. Inspect Every Packet - Become the Department of Yes

It‘s time to stop saying No out of fear. It‘s time for a radically different point of view made possible by adaptive, risk-based security. With it, you can govern every identity and inspect every packet, achieving better outcomes faster and more securely. So start pushing beyond traditional boundaries, dive into the cloud, mobility and the Internet of Things. It‘s time to become the Department of Yes.

Security Strategy & Data Security    The Journey: From Right Objectives to a Measurable GRC System

Lenka Fibikova,Head of IT Governance, Risk and Compliance, Marina Bay Sands

We have heard plenty of times that we cannot manage what we cannot measure. But what to measure to manage effectively? How much to measure to manage efficiently? This session will introduce a step-by-step approach towards a measurable GRC system, from defining the right objectives to creating pragmatic metrics. The target: To deliver valuable numbers while keeping an eye on the big picture.


Day 3 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016 (afternoon)

时间: 2024-12-31 16:40:50

Day 3 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016 (afternoon)的相关文章

Day 3 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016 (morning)

09.00 – 09.45 hrs Tracks Cloud, Mobile, & IoT Security    A New Security Paradigm for IoT (Internet of Threats) Hadi Nahari, Founder, R62 Security Computing has changed since the 50s except for security; nowhere is this more apparent than in the IoT.

Day 2 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016

上午有两场summits,议题分别是: sum-w01: G2B: Cyber-Business in Myanmar, Indonesia and Thailand sum-w02: Achieving e-Commerce Success through Effective Internet Security: A Primer for SMEs Myanmar是东南亚第二大国家,按照speaker的说法,人口多,发展快,市场很有潜力.不过business不是我们关心的,听了10分钟换场.

Day 4 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016

09.00 – 09.45 hrs Advanced Malware and the Cloud: The New Concept of 'Attack Fan-out' Krishna Narayanaswamy,Chief Scientist, Netskope The rapid rise in cloud adoption, of which organizations have underestimated the scope of by nearly 10x, has created

Day 1 @ RSA Conference Asia Pacific & Japan 2016

# 国内出发 早上8:45的航班,首次从深圳机场乘坐国际航班(先前去日本.欧洲都从香港走),就提前了3个小时出发. 乘taxi到机场30分钟不到,135元.到了T3 4号出发口,发现check-in的柜台工作人员还未上班…… check-in之后,直接准备过关登机.走到负一电梯口,发现不太对劲,底下黑乎乎的,不像有人上班. 下去之后,一位海关工作人员看到我们,提示直接往前走,路上包括安检机器.过关通道全未启动……等走到前方,突然灯光亮起,海关表示“这么早来干嘛,里面没吃没喝没购物,你们7点半再来


1 背景 1.1 行业背景 1.1.1 移动端网民规模过半,使用时长份额超PC端 2016年1月22日,中国互联网络信息中心 (CNNIC)发布第37次<中国互联网络发展状况统计报告>,报告显示,网民的上网设备正在向手机端集中,手机成为拉动网民规模增长的主要因素.截至2015年12月,我国手机网民规模达6.20亿,有90.1%的网民通过手机上网. 图 1  2013Q1~2015Q3在线视频移动端和PC端有效使用时长份额对比 根据艾瑞网民行为监测系统iUserTracker及mUserTrac


接上一篇<爱奇艺.优酷.腾讯视频竞品分析报告2016(一)> 2.4 产品设计与交互 2.4.1  视觉风格 APP设计风格从视觉效果上至少给用户传达了两个信息:一是APP的整体基调.二是APP的目标人群. 在设计风格表现上,颜色占据了80%以上的视觉体验.因此要做好设计风格,主要做好界面的颜色搭配和分布.另外颜色是有情感的,不同的色彩能给于用户不同的印象和感受,而且不同的人群对颜色偏好也


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【SC】部署System Center Configuration Manager 2016(SCCM)

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