A template class that has a function for specific type

So you have a C++ template class, but you want to specifiy a member function for a particular type of data:

 1 // A template class called Image:
 2 template <class T>
 3 class Image {
 4 public:
 5   // ========================
 7   Image() : width(0), height(0), data(NULL) {}
 8   Image(const Image &image) : data(NULL) {
 9     copy_helper(image); }
10   const Image& operator=(const Image &image) {
11     if (this != &image)
12       copy_helper(image);
13     return *this; }
14   ~Image() {
15     delete [] data;
16   }
17   bool Load(const std::string &filename);
18 };
20 // But you want to specify a function for a particular type:
21 template <> // notice this is an empty arrow bracket
22 bool Image<Offset>::Load(const std::string &filename) { // Offset is a class, you can specify Offset so you don‘t put a T in the arrow bracket
23  ... // sth here
24 }
时间: 2024-12-21 01:33:35

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