12. binary_search(b,e,x)
1.max(x,y) template <class T> T max(const T& x,const T& y) { return x<y?y:x; } 2.find(b,e,t) template <class In,class X> In find(In begin,In end,const X& x) { //In is an iterator or const_iterator while(begin!=end && *begin!=x) ++begin; return begin; } 3.find_if(b,e,p) template <class In> In find_if(In begin,In end,p) { while(begin!=end) { if(p(*begin)) { return begin; } ++begin; } } 4.search(b,e,b2,e2) template <class In> In search(In b,In e,In b2,In e2) { int k=0; In start; while(b2!=e2) { while(b!=e) { if(k==0 && *b==*b2) { start=b; ++b; ++k; break; } else if(*b==*b2) { ++b; break; } ++b; } ++b2; } return start; } 5.remove(b,e,t) //put the element that are !=t in front of the container template <class X> void sw(X& x,X& y) { X temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } template <class In,class X> In remove(In begin,In end,X& x) { while(begin!=end) { if(*begin==x) { --end; while(*end==x) --end; sw(*begin,*end); } ++begin; } return end; } 6.copy(b,e,d) template <class In,class Out> Out copy(In begin,In end,Out dest) { while(begin!=end) *dest++=*begin++; return dest; } 7.remove_copy(b,e,d,t) template <class In,class Out,class X> Out remove_copy(In begin,In end,Out dest,const X& x) { while(begin!=end) { if(*begin==x) *d++=*begin; ++begin; } return dest; } 8.remove_copy_if(b,e,d,p) template <class X> bool fun(const X& x) { return *x>10; } template <class In,class Out> Out remove_copy_if(In begin,In end,Out dest,bool fun(const In&)) { while(begin!=end) { if(!fun(begin)) *dest++=*begin; ++begin; } return dest; } 9.replace(b,e,x,y) template <class In,class X> void replace(In begin,In end,const X& x,const X& y) { while(begin!=end) { if(*begin==x) *begin=y; ++begin; } } 10.swap(x,y) template <class X> void swap(X& x,X& y) { X temp; temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } 11.reverse template <class In> void reverse(In begin,In end) { while(begin!=end) { --end; if(begin!=end) { swap(*begin++,*end); } } } 12.binary_search template <class In,class X> In binary_search(In begin,In end,const X& x) { //the function is return a iterator,and if not find //we let it return the second arguments(end) while(begin!=end) { In mid=begin+(end-begin)/2; if(*mid<x) end=mid; else if(x<*mid) begin=mid+1; else return mid; } return end; } 13.split /* bool space(char c) { return isspace(c); } bool not_space(char c) { return !isspace(c); } */ template <class Out> void split(const string& s,Out os) { typedef string::const_iterator iter; iter i=s.begin(); iter e=s.end(); while(i!=e) { i=find_if(i,e,not_space); iter j=find_if(i,e,space); if(i!=e) *os++=string(i,j); i=j; } } 14.equal(b,e,b2) template <class In> bool equal(In beg,In end,In beg2) { while(beg!=end) { if(*beg!=*beg2) { return false; } ++beg; ++beg2; } return true; } 15.transform(b,e,d,f) template <class In,class Out> Out transform(In beg,In end,Out beg2,,bool fun(In)) { while(beg!=end) { if(fun(beg)) { *beg2=*beg; ++beg; } ++beg2; ++beg; } } 16.partition(b,e,p) /* *b,e is a bothway iterator;if p return true put the elements into the former of the container,else into the later; *return a iterator direct to the first dissatified elements. */ template <class Y> bool fun(Y& x) { return *x<6; } template <class X> void sw(X& x,X& y) { X temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } template <class In> In partition(In beg,In end,bool fun(In&)) { while(beg!=end) { while(fun(beg)) { ++beg; if(beg==end) return beg; } do{ --end; if(beg==end) return beg; }while(!fun(end)); sw(*beg,*end); ++beg; } return beg; } 17.accumulate(b,e,t) template <class In,class X> X accumulate(In beg,In end,X x) { while(beg!=end) { x+=*beg; ++beg; } return x; }
时间: 2024-12-16 12:35:46