[TypeScript] Distinguishing between types of Strings in TypeScript

In JavaScript, many libraries use string arguments to change behavior. In this lesson we learn how Typescript catches string related errors at compile time by assigning a string literal as a type.

type whiteList = "DOG" | "CAT" | "BIRD";
function allowToTake(num: number, animal: whiteList): string{
  return `You can bring ${num} ${animal}`;
时间: 2024-12-24 04:11:02

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0. 前言 怎么上... 咳咳,大家别想歪,这是一篇纯技♂术文章. 0.1 Why TypeScript 什么?尤大要把Vue 3.0全部改成用Typescript来写?这不是逗我吗,那我是不是要用TypeScript来写Vue应用了? 好吧,Vue3.0可能最快也要19年年末才出来,Vue3.0是会对Ts使用者更友好,而不是只能用ts了,尤大使用ts的原因也是因为ts的静态类型检测以及ts的表现比flow越来越好了.自从巨硬大步迈向开源,前端圈子多了很多新工具比如VS Code.TypeScr