CS: Marshalling and Unmarshalling, Serialization and Unserialization





Comparison with serialization

To "serialize" an object means to convert its state into a byte stream in such a way that the byte stream can be converted back into a copy of the object.

The term "marshal" is considered to be synonymous with "serialize" in the Python standard library,[5] but the terms are not synonymous in the Java-related RFC 2713:

To "marshal" an object means to record its state and codebase(s)[note 1] in such a way that when the marshalled object is "unmarshalled", a copy of the original object is obtained, possibly by automatically loading the class definitions of the object. You can marshal any object that is serializable or remote. Marshalling is like serialization, except marshalling also records codebases. Marshalling is different from serialization in that marshalling treats remote objects specially. (RFC 2713)





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Marshaling and serialization are loosely synonymous in the context of remote procedure call, but semantically different as a matter of intent.

In particular, marshaling is about getting parameters from here to there, while serialization is about copying structured data to or from a primitive form such as a byte stream. In this sense, serialization is one means to perform marshaling, usually implementing pass-by-value semantics.

It is also possible for an object to be marshaled by reference, in which case the data "on the wire" is simply location information for the original object. However, such an object may still be amenable to value serialization.

As @Bill mentions, there may be additional metadata such as code base location or even object implementation code.(?)

时间: 2024-12-18 06:24:34

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