Model Evaluation

1. Confusion Matrix

Fact\Predict  Class A  Class B
Class A True Positive  False Negative
Class B False Positive   True Nagative

A confusion table for Class A

Positive/ Negative: if target class is A, then the predict A is Positve, Others are negative.

True (P/N): if Predict = Fact, then it‘s True.

2. Measures based on Confusion Matrix

a. Accuracy = TN+TP/ALL

  comments: not good measure when data are unbalanced.

b. True Positive Rate/ recall/ sensitivity =  TP / TP + FN

  comments: use it when Positive results are important

c. True Negative Rate =  TN / TN + FP

R for Confusion Matrix:



3. ROC curve (bio-classification)

y: sensitivity

x: specificity

The bigger the Area of ROC is, the more accurate the model is.

时间: 2024-10-24 23:22:19

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