【Leetcode】82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II


Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers, leaving only distinct numbers from the original list.

For example,

Given 1->2->3->3->4->4->5, return 1->2->5.

Given 1->1->1->2->3, return 2->3.







public ListNode deleteDuplicates1(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null || head.next == null)
            return head;
        ListNode newHead = new ListNode(-1);
        newHead.next = head;
        ListNode pre = newHead;
        ListNode cur = head;
        while (cur != null) {
            while (cur.next != null && cur.val == cur.next.val)
                cur = cur.next;
            if (pre.next == cur) {
                pre = cur;
            } else
                //否则 跳过cur 将pre的next设置成cur的next
                pre.next = cur.next;
            cur = cur.next;
        return newHead.next;


public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null)
            return null;

        if (head.next != null && head.val == head.next.val) {
            while (head.next != null && head.val == head.next.val) {
                head = head.next;
            return deleteDuplicates(head.next);
        } else {
            head.next = deleteDuplicates(head.next);
        return head;


时间: 2024-11-06 15:23:12

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明日珠海行,心情紧张,写博文压压惊 囧 ------------------------------------- 原题地址: https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list-ii/ 题目内容: Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers, leaving only distinct numbers from

LeetCode OJ 82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II

Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers, leaving only distinct numbers from the original list. For example,Given 1->2->3->3->4->4->5, return 1->2->5.Given 1->1->1->2->3, return 2->3.