LintCode 2. 尾部的零



11! = 39916800,因此应该返回 2




class Solution {
     * @param n: A long integer
     * @return: An integer, denote the number of trailing zeros in n!
    long long trailingZeros(long long n) {
        // write your code here, try to do it without arithmetic operators.
        long long sum=0;
        return sum;


时间: 2024-10-19 02:43:11

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LintCode 尾部的零

设计一个算法,计算出n阶乘中尾部零的个数 样例 11! = 39916800,因此应该返回 2 分析:0的个数=5的倍数+5^2的倍数+5^3的倍数+5^4的倍数+5^5的倍数+-- class Solution { public: // param n : description of n // return: description of return long long trailingZeros(long long n) { long count=0;//一定是long~~~~ for(

2. 尾部的零【简单】

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