Hadoop问题:There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.

问题描述: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(java.io.IOException): File /tmp/hadoop-yarn/staging/hadoop/.staging/job_1519998981934_0001/job.jar could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1). There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.

问题分析:There are 0 datanode(s) 使用jps查看有哪些进程正在运行,发现datanode节点没有在运行说明是由于该节点没有正常启动导致数据无法存放,从而发生错误。

问题解决:停止现在运行的所有进程,然后重新启动。主要是 datanode.


时间: 2024-08-11 13:14:17

Hadoop问题:There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.的相关文章

There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.

向hadoop导入文件,报错 .... .... 查看配置 $hadoop_home/hadoop/etc/hdfs-site.xml <property><name>dfs.namenode.name.dir</name><value>file:/home/sparkuser/myspark/hadoop/hdfs/name</value></property><property> 对应目录下生成in_use.lock文

hadoopmaster主机上传文件出错: put: File /a.txt._COPYING_ could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1). There are 3 datanode(s) running and 3 node(s) are excluded in this operation.

刚开始装好hadoop的时候,namenode机上传文件没有错误,今天打开时突然不能上传文件,报错 put: File /a.txt._COPYING_ could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1). There are 3 datanode(s) running and 3 node(s) are excluded in this operation. 上网查了一下,先把,nnamenode和datanod

运行时候报异常could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1). There are 2 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.

运行时候报异常could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 2 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation. 解决方法: 1首先看一下dfs.replication的数目是否超过了datanode的数目,应该要小于或者等于datanode的数目. 2更改mapreduce.map.memory.mb


前言:前段时间将hadoop01的虚拟机弄的崩溃掉了,也没有备份,重新从hadoop02虚拟上克隆过来的,结果hadoop-eclipse插件一样的编译,居然用不起了,找了3天的原因,最后还是没有解决,只能用hadoop shell 命令去测试了,反正影响不大,只不过用着不方便而已. 心累中........... 正文: 解压安装Hadoop [[email protected] ~]$ cp /home/hadoop/Resources/hadoop-3.2.0.tar.gz ~/ [[ema

hbase(ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet)

今天启动clouder manager集群时候hbase list出现 (ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet ERROR: Can't get master address from ZooKeeper; znode data == null ) 一类错误 看网上有几种解决方案 一个是 1: 在使用 hbase shell 时,一直报错.花了半个多小时


namenode是管理hdfs文件系统的元数据 datanode是负责当前节点上的数据的管理,具体目录内容是在初始阶段自动创建的.在用hdfs dfs namenode format时并没有对datanode进行format. 在datanode中目录是按文件信息存储的. datanode存在于具体节点上的hadoop-2.6.0/dfs/data/current中. datanode的VERSION内容与namenode的VERSION内容相似. storageID:在namenode与dat

there are 0 datanode.....

当时执行hive的导入数据load data  inpath "XXXX" into table.....的时候发现总是导不进去,最后试了下简单的从Linux 到 HDFS上传文件发现都不成功,提示datanode的问题. 后来省事就直接将以前成功安装的hadoop-2.6.0的文件夹整个替代掉再bin/hdfs namenode -format,然后启动hadoop就可以了.


1 #!/usr/bin/env bash    此处为什么不是  #!/bin/bash  ? 考虑到程序的可移植性,env的作用就是为了找到正确的脚本解释器(这里就是bash),在不同的Linux系统上该解释器可能所处的位置不同 18 # This script runs the hadoop core commands. 19 20 bin=`which $0`                                  shell的默认赋值是字符串赋值, $0表示脚本本身的名字,w

hadoop: hive 1.2.0 在mac机上的安装与配置

环境:mac OS X Yosemite + hadoop 2.6.0 + hive 1.2.0 + jdk 1.7.0_79 前提:hadoop必须先安装,且处于运行状态(伪分式模式或全分布模式均可) hive官网地址:http://hive.apache.org/ 建议:经个人实践,在mac OS X Yosemite 环境下,如果使用apache下载的原始hadoop 2.6.0,不管jdk安装成什么版本(1.6\1.7\1.8都试过),hive 1.2.0启动时,始终报jdk版本不匹配,