Configure AllegroGraph in a Virtual Server using Apache2

I need to deploy AllegroGraph 5.0 triplestore on our lab‘s virtual server and make it publicly accessible at, I did the following to make it work.

You need to have a virtual server allocated and Apache2 enabled readily for use, the domain is This virtual server is hosting a particular project whose backend database is supported by AllegroGraph. I would like to have access this database UI at .

I also like AllegroGraph because it‘s super easy, user-friendly and generous to use. (I am fed up with configuring triplestores like Virtuoso and Bigdata Nanosparqlserver, why they are made so damn hard to use?). Franz Inc. (A company who releases AllegroGraph) allows users to use AG up to 5 million triples under a free licence (which is pretty much enough for my project), I will give you a comparision to understand this 5 million tiples: once I uploaded a 12Gb RDF/XML file into it and it‘s around 5.5 Million triples, so you could see that this free licence is pretty generous so that you could load somewhat 10Gb RDF data into it.

Another reason I love AllegroGraph is that their documentation is super super well writen!!! Literally, SUPER SUPER WELL WRITEN! It‘s very clear, very detailled as well. You could just follow it up, very very straightforward.

1. Install AllegroGraph on ubuntu:
There are also ways to install it on Mac or windows, but the following link is specific to ubuntu

Please follow this official link:

2. Start your AllegroGraph
start and stop AllegroGraph commands will show up in the terminal at the end of installation. Please keep them for future use.
Now, start your AllegroGraph using the start command. So you can see that AG is running at http://localhost:10035

3. Configure your Apache2 
enable the following Apahce2 Modules: 
by using the following command:

sudo a2enmod rewrite proxy proxy_http proxy_html

ERROR Debugging:
if you see an error: ERROR: Module proxy_html does not exist!
you need to do the following in the terminal

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-proxy-html

Then enable is module by

sudo a2enmod proxy_html

You can restart your apache2 now for modules to take effects.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
# or
sudo service apache2 restart

# either way works

4. Configure apache2

Go to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ directory and open 000-default file
add the following contents right between </Directory> and </VirtualHost>

# the following added by Rui Yan
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/agwebview$ /agwebview/ [R,L]

    ProxyTimeout 1800
    ProxyRequests Off

    ProxyPass /agwebview http://localhost:10035
    ProxyPassReverse /agwebview http://localhost:10035

    <Location /agwebview>
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all
   # end of addition 

5. Restart your server again
6. Go to and it‘s there!!!!!!!

时间: 2024-12-27 04:50:01

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