
Statistically significant reductions in blood pressure were found, in the short term for improved diet and exercise, relaxation therapies, and sodium and alcohol reduction.

Most areas featured considerable heterogeneity (i.e. study findings were inconsistent, some positive and some negative) over and above the variation expected by the normal play of chance. This heterogeneity tends to limit the strength of recommendation that can be made about any course of action.

Although without a formal meta-analysis, it likewise concluded that overweight hypertensive patients should be advised to reduce their weight.

Overall, patients receiving exercise-promoting interventions achieved a modest reduction in both systolic (3.1 mmHg, 95%CI: 0.7 to 5.5) and diastolic (1.8 mmHg, 95% CI: 0.2 to 3.5) blood pressure compared to those in control groups (see Figure 6).

The recent Canadian guideline reviewed studies between 1966 and 1997132. Although without a formal meta-analysis, it reported short term reductions in blood pressure of 5 to 10 mmHg and recommended 50–60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise three or four times per week.

The recent Canadian guideline reviewed studies between 1966 and 1997550. It concluded that multifaceted interventions to reduce stress were more likely to be effective than single component therapies and favoured the use of cognitive behavioural therapy, based on the findings of three meta-analyses192,293,366. For hypertensive patients in whom stress appears to be an important issue, they recommended that stress management including individualized cognitive behavioural therapy may be appropriate.

时间: 2024-08-08 09:40:42



网页: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension 单词 word           count---------------------hypertension   [ha?p?'ten?(?)n]高血压  134 Hypertension is a medical condition in which a person has very high blood pressure


数据统计分析联系:QQ:231469242 英国酒精和香烟官网 http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/Stories/AlcoholandTobacco.html Story Name: Alcohol and TobaccoImage: Scatterplot of Alcohol vs. Tobacco, with Northern Ireland marked with a blue X. Story Topics: Consumer , HealthDatafile


<肾 脏与水电解质紊乱(第7版)>为经典肾脏病诊治手册.由几代肾脏病专家鼎力合作编写和修订,深受欧美肾脏病医师欢迎.现已经出版了第7版,本版次为首次引 进的中文版本.作者系统介绍了水代谢紊乱,肾脏钠代谢紊乱.水肿性疾病及利尿药的应用,代谢性酸中毒和碱中毒的发病机制及处理,呼吸性和混合性酸碱失衡的 发病机制及处理,钾代谢紊乱,钙.磷.维生素D及甲状旁腺激素活性异常,正常及异常镁代谢,肾素—血管紧张素—醛固酮系统紊乱,肾脏与高血压,急性肾损伤 的发病机制.诊断及治疗等. 书    名 肾脏与水电解


http://www.bhsoc.org/ 指导指南 http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg127/evidence/cg127-hypertension-full-guideline3


“高血压”(Hypertension (HTN).high blood pressure)或“动脉高血压”(arterial hypertension),是一种动脉血压升高的慢性病症. 血压的升高使心脏推动血液在血管内循环时的负担增大.血压有两种,收缩压和舒张压,分别为心脏跳动时肌肉收缩(systole)或舒张 (diastole)时的测量值.正常静息血压范围为收缩压100–140毫米汞柱mmHg(最高读数)和舒张压60–90毫米汞柱mmHg(最低读 数).血压持续等于或高于140/90毫米汞柱

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 引用和指针 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下程序中,n是m的一个引用(reference),m是被引用物(referent). int m; int &n = m; n相当于m的别名(绰号),对n的任何操作就是对m的


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