这类问题是因为mesh的uv点里也就是mesh.vertices 中的Vector3的x、y、z中有的值为NaN也就是非数字,或者Infinity数无穷大,然后就会一直报这个警告也相当消耗内存,我做的是移动端,所以防止你的mesh点集合里不要出现这些点,有时候无法避免的可以用float.IsInfinity和float.IsNaN来判断
n AABB is an axially aligned bounding box, which is a very quick early rejection test that can be used to test for 3D collisions.
This error (which seems to happen in the core Unity code) makes it look like the game created an infinitely large AABB for one of the objects
This message is an assert from Unity. It is basically saying that an AABB (axis aligned bounding box) for a game object is not valid and it is meant to be valid. AABBs are used in Unity to help decide whether objects are visible in the camera - they are boxes that fully enclose the object. (Think of them as the smallest cardboard box that the object will fit into with the box aligned to the XYZ axes. Normally AABBs are managed automatically for you; Unity can look at the vertices of the game object and figure out the AABB. For dynamic objects, such as particle systems the bounding box can end up being infinitely small or infinitely large, and these situations render the AABB as invalid, which triggers the assert.