Land Rover Aurora 2014 airbag repair using CG100 Pro III

2014 Land Rover Aurora with airbag NO. DK62-14D374-AG, use CG100 PROG III to repair the airbag without any problem.

Car type: 2014 Land Rover Aurora
Airbag No: DK62-14D374-AG

CG100 Pro III repair airbag on Land Rover Aurora 2014:

1.Check the vehicle.

2.The airbag lights on all the time.

3.Access professional decoder detection and clear the DTC.

4.Disassemble the car, find the airbag computer board, confirm the chip.

5.Open the software, enter the corresponding operation interface, find the physical wiring diagram.

6.Perform physical wiring in a no-current environment and confirm that it is correct before

powering on. After reading the data, please save the original data! If the software supports

automatic repair, please repair it at the prompt of the software; if the software does not support

repair temporarily, please select the custom operation the first time consult the manufacturer’s

technical staff ( E-Mail: [email protected]).

(Note: Please do not touch any cable when it is reading.)

7.After the repair succeed, please put the airbag computer board back to the car. Connect Land Rover special inspection SDD detection, it did not show any DTC.

8.The airbag light is off.

9.The airbag repaired successfully by CG100 Programmer.


时间: 2024-08-01 23:48:08

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