4.9-Simulation in gazebo or webots

  • We can create the simulation model for a robotic arm by updating the existing robot
  • description by adding simulation parameters.
    • collision
    • inertial
    • tranmission
    • joints
    • linkd
    • Gazebo
    • Launch
  • using ros controllers to actuate the robot model
  • 先按照教科书上做的来试一下,前面没认真看书,走了一些弯路
  • 实现步骤
    • controller_managerConfig.cmake
    • sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ros-control ros-indigo-ros-controllers
    • gazebo_ros_controlConfig.cmake
    • 有一个解决方案,集成在zsROSSetup.sh里面了,此处不详述
    • 没解决,依然是gzclient: 5: export: 1500: bad variable name
    • sudo apt-get install drcsim
  • 打都打不开,算了,先不进行仿真了!
  • 其实也是可以用webots的,webots也有ROS接口,无奈学习成本很高,且是商业软件


时间: 2024-08-30 02:54:55

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