




图1 、折线拟合                                                                      图2、多边形拟合(封闭的折线)


//count为插入点数, outPoints为输出点集合,长度为count + 2(含首尾)
void BezierHelper::parseBezier(const Ogre::Vector2& start, const Ogre::Vector2& end,
    const Ogre::Vector2& control1, const Ogre::Vector2& control2, int count, std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>& outPoints)
    if(count < 0) count = Bezier3DefaultPointNum;

    for(int i = 1; i<=count; i++)
        double st = (double) i/(count+1);
        double dt = (1-st);

        double st2 = st * st;
        double dt2 = dt * dt;

        double t0 = dt * dt2;
        double t1 = dt2 * st * 3;
        double t2 = dt * st2 * 3;
        double t3 = st * st2; 

        outPoints.push_back(start * t0 + control1 * t1 + control2 * t2 + end * t3);





图3:当前点pt,当前点前后两点p1、p2, pt点对应的前后控制点c1、c2

  • 平滑

参考图3,对于p1-pt-p2两段线,算法生成p1~pt 和 pt~p2两条贝塞尔曲线



  • 控制点自动计算


  1. 取c1、pt、c2为角p1-pt-p2的角平分线的垂线
  2. 取c1-pt与c2-pt等长,为p1或p2在该垂线上的投影点,(参看图3,当p1-pt长度大于pt-p2时,取p11点在垂线的投影点作为c1,p11到pt的距离与pt-p2等长)
  3. 对c1、c2做一定比例的缩放,实际取的控制点距pt的距离为投影点距离的0.2-0.6之间时都可以取得很好的平滑效果


 1 //根据当前点pt,前一点p1, 后一点p2计算当前点对应的控制点control1 control2
 2 void BezierHelper::getControlPoint(const Ogre::Vector2& pt, const Ogre::Vector2& p1, const Ogre::Vector2& p2,
 3                                    Ogre::Vector2& control1, Ogre::Vector2& control2, double ratio)
 4 {
 5     double length1 = (p1 - pt).length();
 6     double length2 = (p2 - pt).length();
 8     double v = length2/(length1+ 0.000001);
10     Ogre::Vector2 delta;
11     if(v>1)
12     {
13         delta = p1 - (pt + ( p2 - pt) / (v + 0.000001));
14     }
15     else
16     {
17         delta = pt + (p1-pt) * v - p2 ;
18     }
20     delta *= ratio;
21     control1 = pt + delta;
22     control2 = pt - delta;
23 }


  • 折线生成




void BezierHelper::parsePolyline(const std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>& points, int count, std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>& outPoints, double ratio)
    std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>::size_type pointsSize = points.size();
    if(pointsSize < 3 )//插值至少需要三点
        for(int i = 0; i<pointsSize; i++)
        Ogre::Vector2  control1, control2;    //顶点对应的前后控制点

        getControlPoint(points[1], points[0], points[2], control1, control2, ratio); //首端
        _parseBezier(points[0], points[1], points[0], control1, count, outPoints);

        for(int i = 2; i<pointsSize -1; i++) //根据中间各点生成与前一点连线
            Ogre::Vector2 lastControl = control2;
            getControlPoint(points[i], points[i-1], points[i+1], control1, control2, ratio);
            _parseBezier(points[i - 1], points[i], lastControl, control1, count, outPoints);

        _parseBezier(points[pointsSize-2], points[pointsSize-1], control2, points[pointsSize-1], count, outPoints);


void BezierHelper::_parseBezier(const Ogre::Vector2& start, const Ogre::Vector2& end,
    const Ogre::Vector2& control1, const Ogre::Vector2& control2, int count, std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>& outPoints)
    if(count < 0) count = Bezier3DefaultPointNum;

    for(int i = 1; i<=count; i++)
        double st = (double) i/(count+1);
        double dt = (1-st);

        double st2 = st * st;
        double dt2 = dt * dt;

        double t0 = dt * dt2;
        double t1 = dt2 * st * 3;
        double t2 = dt * st2 * 3;
        double t3 = st * st2; 

        outPoints.push_back(start * t0 + control1 * t1 + control2 * t2 + end * t3);

  • 多边形生成



void BezierHelper::parsePolygon(const std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>& points, int count, std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>& outPoints, double ratio)
    std::vector<Ogre::Vector2>::size_type pointsSize = points.size();
    if(pointsSize < 3 )//插值至少需要三点
        for(int i = 0; i<pointsSize; i++)
        Ogre::Vector2  control1, control2;    //顶点对应的前后控制点
        Ogre::Vector2 firstControl;
        Ogre::Vector2 lastControl;

        getControlPoint(points[pointsSize-1], points[pointsSize-2], points[0], firstControl, lastControl, ratio);
        getControlPoint(points[0], points[pointsSize-1], points[1], control1, control2, ratio);
        _parseBezier(points[pointsSize-1], points[0], lastControl, control1, count, outPoints);

        for(int i = 1; i<pointsSize-1; i++) //根据中间各点,生成与前一点连线
            lastControl = control2;
            getControlPoint(points[i], points[i-1], points[i+1], control1, control2, ratio);
            _parseBezier(points[i-1], points[i], lastControl, control1, count, outPoints);


        parseBezier(points[pointsSize-2], points[pointsSize-1], control2, firstControl, count, outPoints); //末端


#ifndef __Vector2_H__
#define __Vector2_H__
#include <assert.h>

namespace Ogre

    class Vector2
        double x, y;

        inline Vector2()

        inline Vector2(const double fX, const double fY )
            : x( fX ), y( fY )

        inline Vector2& operator = ( const Vector2& rkVector )
            x = rkVector.x;
            y = rkVector.y;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator = ( const double fScalar)
            x = fScalar;
            y = fScalar;

            return *this;

        inline bool operator == ( const Vector2& rkVector ) const
            return ( x == rkVector.x && y == rkVector.y );

        inline bool operator != ( const Vector2& rkVector ) const
            return ( x != rkVector.x || y != rkVector.y  );

        // arithmetic operations
        inline Vector2 operator + ( const Vector2& rkVector ) const
            return Vector2(
                x + rkVector.x,
                y + rkVector.y);

        inline Vector2 operator - ( const Vector2& rkVector ) const
            return Vector2(
                x - rkVector.x,
                y - rkVector.y);

        inline Vector2 operator * ( const double fScalar ) const
            return Vector2(
                x * fScalar,
                y * fScalar);

        inline Vector2 operator * ( const Vector2& rhs) const
            return Vector2(
                x * rhs.x,
                y * rhs.y);

        inline Vector2 operator / ( const double fScalar ) const
            assert( fScalar != 0.0 );

            double fInv = 1.0f / fScalar;

            return Vector2(
                x * fInv,
                y * fInv);

        inline Vector2 operator / ( const Vector2& rhs) const
            return Vector2(
                x / rhs.x,
                y / rhs.y);

        inline const Vector2& operator + () const
            return *this;

        inline Vector2 operator - () const
            return Vector2(-x, -y);

        // overloaded operators to help Vector2
        inline friend Vector2 operator * ( const double fScalar, const Vector2& rkVector )
            return Vector2(
                fScalar * rkVector.x,
                fScalar * rkVector.y);

        inline friend Vector2 operator / ( const double fScalar, const Vector2& rkVector )
            return Vector2(
                fScalar / rkVector.x,
                fScalar / rkVector.y);

        inline friend Vector2 operator + (const Vector2& lhs, const double rhs)
            return Vector2(
                lhs.x + rhs,
                lhs.y + rhs);

        inline friend Vector2 operator + (const double lhs, const Vector2& rhs)
            return Vector2(
                lhs + rhs.x,
                lhs + rhs.y);

        inline friend Vector2 operator - (const Vector2& lhs, const double rhs)
            return Vector2(
                lhs.x - rhs,
                lhs.y - rhs);

        inline friend Vector2 operator - (const double lhs, const Vector2& rhs)
            return Vector2(
                lhs - rhs.x,
                lhs - rhs.y);

        // arithmetic updates
        inline Vector2& operator += ( const Vector2& rkVector )
            x += rkVector.x;
            y += rkVector.y;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator += ( const double fScaler )
            x += fScaler;
            y += fScaler;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator -= ( const Vector2& rkVector )
            x -= rkVector.x;
            y -= rkVector.y;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator -= ( const double fScaler )
            x -= fScaler;
            y -= fScaler;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator *= ( const double fScalar )
            x *= fScalar;
            y *= fScalar;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator *= ( const Vector2& rkVector )
            x *= rkVector.x;
            y *= rkVector.y;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator /= ( const double fScalar )
            assert( fScalar != 0.0 );

            double fInv = 1.0f / fScalar;

            x *= fInv;
            y *= fInv;

            return *this;

        inline Vector2& operator /= ( const Vector2& rkVector )
            x /= rkVector.x;
            y /= rkVector.y;

            return *this;

        /** Returns the length (magnitude) of the vector.
                This operation requires a square root and is expensive in
                terms of CPU operations. If you don‘t need to know the exact
                length (e.g. for just comparing lengths) use squaredLength()
        inline double length () const
            return sqrt( x * x + y * y );

        /** Returns the square of the length(magnitude) of the vector.
                This  method is for efficiency - calculating the actual
                length of a vector requires a square root, which is expensive
                in terms of the operations required. This method returns the
                square of the length of the vector, i.e. the same as the
                length but before the square root is taken. Use this if you
                want to find the longest / shortest vector without incurring
                the square root.
        inline double squaredLength () const
            return x * x + y * y;

        /** Returns the distance to another vector.
                This operation requires a square root and is expensive in
                terms of CPU operations. If you don‘t need to know the exact
                distance (e.g. for just comparing distances) use squaredDistance()
        inline double distance(const Vector2& rhs) const
            return (*this - rhs).length();

        /** Returns the square of the distance to another vector.
                This method is for efficiency - calculating the actual
                distance to another vector requires a square root, which is
                expensive in terms of the operations required. This method
                returns the square of the distance to another vector, i.e.
                the same as the distance but before the square root is taken.
                Use this if you want to find the longest / shortest distance
                without incurring the square root.
        inline double squaredDistance(const Vector2& rhs) const
            return (*this - rhs).squaredLength();

        /** Calculates the dot (scalar) product of this vector with another.
                The dot product can be used to calculate the angle between 2
                vectors. If both are unit vectors, the dot product is the
                cosine of the angle; otherwise the dot product must be
                divided by the product of the lengths of both vectors to get
                the cosine of the angle. This result can further be used to
                calculate the distance of a point from a plane.
                vec Vector with which to calculate the dot product (together
                with this one).
                A float representing the dot product value.
        inline double dotProduct(const Vector2& vec) const
            return x * vec.x + y * vec.y;

        /** Normalises the vector.
                This method normalises the vector such that it‘s
                length / magnitude is 1. The result is called a unit vector.
                This function will not crash for zero-sized vectors, but there
                will be no changes made to their components.
            @return The previous length of the vector.

        inline double normalise()
            double fLength = sqrt( x * x + y * y);

            // Will also work for zero-sized vectors, but will change nothing
            // We‘re not using epsilons because we don‘t need to.
            // Read http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=61259
            if ( fLength > double(0.0f) )
                double fInvLength = 1.0f / fLength;
                x *= fInvLength;
                y *= fInvLength;

            return fLength;

        /** Returns a vector at a point half way between this and the passed
            in vector.
        inline Vector2 midPoint( const Vector2& vec ) const
            return Vector2(
                ( x + vec.x ) * 0.5f,
                ( y + vec.y ) * 0.5f );

        /** Returns true if the vector‘s scalar components are all greater
            that the ones of the vector it is compared against.
        inline bool operator < ( const Vector2& rhs ) const
            if( x < rhs.x && y < rhs.y )
                return true;
            return false;

        /** Returns true if the vector‘s scalar components are all smaller
            that the ones of the vector it is compared against.
        inline bool operator > ( const Vector2& rhs ) const
            if( x > rhs.x && y > rhs.y )
                return true;
            return false;

        /** Sets this vector‘s components to the minimum of its own and the
            ones of the passed in vector.
                ‘Minimum‘ in this case means the combination of the lowest
                value of x, y and z from both vectors. Lowest is taken just
                numerically, not magnitude, so -1 < 0.
        inline void makeFloor( const Vector2& cmp )
            if( cmp.x < x ) x = cmp.x;
            if( cmp.y < y ) y = cmp.y;

        /** Sets this vector‘s components to the maximum of its own and the
            ones of the passed in vector.
                ‘Maximum‘ in this case means the combination of the highest
                value of x, y and z from both vectors. Highest is taken just
                numerically, not magnitude, so 1 > -3.
        inline void makeCeil( const Vector2& cmp )
            if( cmp.x > x ) x = cmp.x;
            if( cmp.y > y ) y = cmp.y;

        /** Generates a vector perpendicular to this vector (eg an ‘up‘ vector).
                This method will return a vector which is perpendicular to this
                vector. There are an infinite number of possibilities but this
                method will guarantee to generate one of them. If you need more
                control you should use the Quaternion class.
        inline Vector2 perpendicular(void) const
            return Vector2 (-y, x);

        /** Calculates the 2 dimensional cross-product of 2 vectors, which results
            in a single floating point value which is 2 times the area of the triangle.
        inline double crossProduct( const Vector2& rkVector ) const
            return x * rkVector.y - y * rkVector.x;

        /** Returns true if this vector is zero length. */
        inline bool isZeroLength(void) const
            double sqlen = (x * x) + (y * y);
            return (sqlen < (1e-06 * 1e-06));


        /** As normalise, except that this vector is unaffected and the
            normalised vector is returned as a copy. */
        inline Vector2 normalisedCopy(void) const
            Vector2 ret = *this;
            return ret;

        /** Calculates a reflection vector to the plane with the given normal .
        @remarks NB assumes ‘this‘ is pointing AWAY FROM the plane, invert if it is not.
        inline Vector2 reflect(const Vector2& normal) const
            return Vector2( *this - ( 2 * this->dotProduct(normal) * normal ) );



时间: 2024-08-27 19:21:54



三阶贝塞尔曲线拟合1/4圆 根据贝塞尔曲线的知识,我们知道三阶贝塞尔曲线的参数方程如下,其中A.B.C.D为四个控制点坐标,P(t)表示曲线上的每一点. 因为要模拟1/4圆,所以通过P(0)和P(1)的切线方向,应该按照下图所示位置安放.其中AB为水平方向,DC为垂直方向,并且线段长度|AB| = |DC| = h. 那么这个问题实际上,就转换为计算出合理的h值,使得半径|OJ| = 1,也即J点刚好在圆弧上. 根据贝塞尔曲线的对称性,不难想出J点在P(0.5)处,代入公式即可求得: 同样的结论


// // ViewController.m // paintCodeTestOC // // Created by LongMa on 2019/7/25. // #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *btn; @property(nonatomic, strong) UIBezierPath *gPath; @end


APK下载地址 1.贝塞尔曲线 以下公式中: B(t)为t时间下 点的坐标: P0为起点,Pn为终点,Pi为控制点 一阶贝塞尔曲线(线段): 意义:由 P0 至 P1 的连续点, 描述的一条线段 二阶贝塞尔曲线(抛物线): 原理:由 P0 至 P1 的连续点 Q0,描述一条线段. 由 P1 至 P2 的连续点 Q1,描述一条线段. 由 Q0 至 Q1 的连续点 B(t),描述一条二次贝塞尔曲线. 经验:P1-P0为曲线在P0处的切线. 三阶贝塞尔曲线: 通用公式: 高阶贝塞尔曲线: 4阶曲线:

NeHe OpenGL教程 第二十八课:贝塞尔曲面

转自[翻译]NeHe OpenGL 教程 前言 声明,此 NeHe OpenGL教程系列文章由51博客yarin翻译(2010-08-19),本博客为转载并稍加整理与修改.对NeHe的OpenGL管线教程的编写,以及yarn的翻译整理表示感谢. NeHe OpenGL第二十八课:贝塞尔曲面 贝塞尔曲面: 这是一课关于数学运算的,没有别的内容了.来,有信心就看看它吧. 贝塞尔曲面 作者: David Nikdel ( [email protected] ) 这篇教程旨在介绍贝塞尔曲面,希望有比我更


贝塞尔曲线开发的艺术 一句话概括贝塞尔曲线:将任意一条曲线转化为精确的数学公式. 很多绘图工具中的钢笔工具,就是典型的贝塞尔曲线的应用,这里的一个网站可以在线模拟钢笔工具的使用: http://bezier.method.ac/ 贝塞尔曲线中有一些比较关键的名词,解释如下: 数据点:通常指一条路径的起始点和终止点 控制点:控制点决定了一条路径的弯曲轨迹,根据控制点的个数,贝塞尔曲线被分为一阶贝塞尔曲线(0个控制点).二阶贝塞尔曲线(1个控制点).三阶贝塞尔曲线(2个控制点)等等. 要想对贝塞尔曲


一.什么是贝塞尔曲线 1962年,法国工程师皮埃尔·贝塞尔(Pierre Bézier),贝塞尔曲线来为为解决汽车的主体的设计问题而发明了贝塞尔曲线.如今,贝赛尔曲线是计算机图形学中相当重要的一种曲线,它能过优雅地模拟人手绘画出的线.它通过控制曲线上的点(起始点.终止点以及多个参考点)来创造.编辑图形.其中起重要作用的是位于曲线中央的控制线.这条线是虚拟的,中间与贝塞尔曲线交叉,两端是控制端点.移动两端的端点时贝塞尔曲线改变曲线的曲率(弯曲的程度):移动中间点(也就是移动虚拟的控制线)时,贝塞尔


当我们需要在屏幕上形成画线时,Path类的应用是必不可少的,而Path类的lineTo和quadTo方法实现的绘制线路形式也是不一样的,下面就以代码的实现来直观的探究这两个方法的功能实现区别: 1. Path--->quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2): 该方法的实现是当我们不仅仅是画一条线甚至是画弧线时会形成平滑的曲线,该曲线又称为"贝塞尔曲线"(Bezier curve),其中,x1,y1为控制点的坐标值,x2,y2为终


/////////继承SurfaceView 的类 public class PaintView extends SurfaceView implements Runnable,SurfaceHolder.Callback { private float mX; private float mY; private Paint mPaint = null; private Path mPath = null; // 线程结束标志位 boolean mLoop = true; SurfaceHold


说明 入市有风险,炒股需谨慎.(因项目需求,本人提供了写这种效果的源码) 效果 源码 // // ViewController.m // Path // // Created by YouXianMing on 15/5/11. // Copyright (c) 2015年 YouXianMing. All rights reserved. // #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () @property (non