解题思路:任选一结点作为根节点,使用深度优先搜索,获得相对于父节点一端,子节点一端的节点总数和节点最小值。再次使用深度优先搜索,反向求得相对于子节点一端,父节点一端的节点总数和节点最小值。如此能快速获取任意边两端的节点总数和节点最小值。只需要遍历边即可, 可以优化。
1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstdlib> 3 #include <ctime> 4 #include <climits> 5 #include <vector> 6 #include <map> 7 using namespace std; 8 9 typedef pair<int, int> P; 10 11 struct Info { 12 int nodeMinimal; 13 int nodeCount; 14 }; 15 16 const int maxn = 30001; 17 18 map<int, Info> G[maxn]; 19 20 P search(int cur, int upper) { 21 map<int, Info> &near = G[cur]; 22 23 int minimal = INT_MAX; 24 int count = 0; 25 map<int, Info>::iterator iter = near.begin(); 26 while (iter != near.end()) { 27 if (iter->first != upper) { // 如果不是上一层的结点,就往下搜索 28 pair<int, int> p = search(iter->first, cur); // p.first表示下一层的总结点数,p.second表示下一层的最小值 29 iter->second.nodeCount = p.first; 30 iter->second.nodeMinimal = p.second; 31 count += p.first; 32 minimal = minimal < p.second ? minimal : p.second; 33 } 34 ++iter; 35 } 36 37 return P(count + 1, minimal < cur ? minimal : cur); 38 39 } 40 41 void reverse_search(int cur, int upper, int upper_count, int upper_minimal, int tot) { 42 // 考虑第一个起点和最底层点 43 if (upper != -1) { 44 Info & info = G[cur][upper]; // 反向标记 45 info.nodeCount = upper_count; 46 info.nodeMinimal = upper_minimal; 47 } 48 // 邻结点只有一个或者多个 49 map<int, Info> &near = G[cur]; 50 if (near.size() == 1 && upper != -1) return; // 如果邻结点只有upper,则不需要往下递归 51 // 如果邻结点有两个或两个以上 52 // 找最小值和次小值 53 int most_minimal = INT_MAX, minimal = INT_MAX; 54 map<int, Info>::iterator iter = near.begin(); 55 while (iter != near.end()) { 56 int nodeMinimal = iter->second.nodeMinimal; 57 if (nodeMinimal < most_minimal) { 58 minimal = most_minimal; 59 most_minimal = nodeMinimal; 60 } else if (nodeMinimal < minimal) { 61 minimal = nodeMinimal; 62 } 63 ++iter; 64 } 65 if (cur < most_minimal) { 66 minimal = most_minimal; 67 most_minimal = cur; 68 } else if (cur < minimal) { 69 minimal = cur; 70 } 71 72 73 // 遍历邻结点( != upper),如果 74 iter = near.begin(); 75 while (iter != near.end()) { 76 if (iter->first != upper) { // 如果邻结点不是Upper结点,则可以继续递归搜索 77 int cur_count = tot - iter->second.nodeCount; 78 int cur_minimal = iter->second.nodeMinimal == most_minimal ? minimal : most_minimal; 79 reverse_search(iter->first, cur, cur_count, cur_minimal, tot); 80 } 81 ++iter; 82 } 83 84 } 85 86 void findCutWay(const int & cur, const int & upper, int & from, int & to, int &nodeCount, int &nodeMinimal, const int & tot) { 87 int half_tot = tot / 2; // 总数的一半 88 map<int, Info> & near = G[cur]; 89 map<int, Info>::iterator iter = near.begin(); 90 while (iter != near.end()) { 91 if (iter->second.nodeCount <= half_tot) { // 如果相邻块数量符合要求,则操作 92 if (iter->second.nodeCount > nodeCount) { 93 from = cur, to = iter->first; 94 nodeCount = iter->second.nodeCount; 95 nodeMinimal = iter->second.nodeMinimal; 96 } else if (iter->second.nodeCount == nodeCount){ 97 // 假设不出现nodeMinimal == iter->second.nodeMinimal的情况 98 nodeMinimal = nodeMinimal < iter->second.nodeMinimal ? nodeMinimal : (from = cur, to = iter->first,iter->second.nodeMinimal); 99 } 100 if (iter->second.nodeCount == half_tot && iter->first != upper) // 如果刚好一半,要测试另一侧,可简化;如果少于一半,则不继续递归 101 findCutWay(iter->first, cur, from, to, nodeCount, nodeMinimal, tot); 102 } else if (iter->first != upper) { 103 findCutWay(iter->first, cur, from, to, nodeCount, nodeMinimal, tot); 104 } 105 ++iter; 106 } 107 } 108 109 void cut(int & root, int &num, int tot) { 110 // 从root开始处理整棵树并做标记 G[from][to].nodeCount , G[from][to].nodeMinimal 111 search(root, -1); 112 113 // 把剩余的标记 : 反向标记 114 reverse_search(root, -1, 0, INT_MAX, tot); 115 116 // 遍历整棵树,找到可以切的位置 117 int from, to, nodeCount = 0, nodeMinimal = INT_MAX; 118 findCutWay(root, -1, from, to, nodeCount, nodeMinimal, tot); 119 120 // 真正切 121 G[from].erase(to); 122 G[to].erase(from); 123 root = from; 124 num = nodeCount; 125 } 126 127 int main() { 128 int n, k; 129 scanf("%d%d", &n, &k); 130 int a, b; 131 for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { 132 scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); 133 G[a][b]; 134 G[b][a]; 135 } 136 // srand(rand()); 137 int root = rand() % n + 1; // 随机生成根节点 138 139 int num; 140 int sum = 0; 141 vector<int> ans; 142 while (--k, k) { // 对金块链 切k-1次 143 cut(root, num, n - sum); 144 sum += num; 145 ans.push_back(num); 146 // 如果剩余的少于2,则给下一位,并且退出 147 if (n - sum < 2) { 148 break; 149 } 150 } 151 152 // ans.push_back() 剩下的连通图 n - 前面的总和 153 ans.push_back(n - sum); 154 for (int i = 1; i < k; ++i) ans.push_back(0); 155 156 // 输出结果 157 for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); ++i) { 158 printf("%d%c", ans[i], i == ans.size() - 1 ? ‘\n‘ : ‘ ‘); 159 } 160 161 return 0; 162 }
时间: 2024-10-14 00:49:10