git mv 命令 移动或重命名


git mv file_old file_new



git-mv - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink


git mv <options>…? <args>…?


Move or rename a file, directory or symlink.

git mv [-v] [-f] [-n] [-k] <source> <destination>
git mv [-v] [-f] [-n] [-k] <source> ... <destination directory>

In the first form, it renames <source>, which must exist and be either a file, symlink or directory, to <destination>. In the second form, the last argument has to be an existing directory; the given sources will be moved into this directory.

The index is updated after successful completion, but the change must still be committed.



Force renaming or moving of a file even if the target exists


Skip move or rename actions which would lead to an error condition. An error happens when a source is neither existing nor controlled by Git, or when it would overwrite an existing file unless -f is given.


Do nothing; only show what would happen


Report the names of files as they are moved.


Moving a submodule using a gitfile (which means they were cloned with a Git version 1.7.8 or newer) will update the gitfile and core.worktree setting to make the submodule work in the new location. It also will attempt to update the submodule.<name>.path setting in the gitmodules[5] file and stage that file (unless -n is used).


Each time a superproject update moves a populated submodule (e.g. when switching between commits before and after the move) a stale submodule checkout will remain in the old location and an empty directory will appear in the new location. To populate the submodule again in the new location the user will have to run "git submodule update" afterwards. Removing the old directory is only safe when it uses a gitfile, as otherwise the history of the submodule will be deleted too. Both steps will be obsolete when recursive submodule update has been implemented.

时间: 2024-11-05 06:24:54

git mv 命令 移动或重命名的相关文章


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直接在终端中输入rename+[Enter]可以看到该命令的格式: 早期版本的rename是C语言版本,如今新的Ubuntu中采用的都是perl版本,功能更加强大 Usage:rename [-v] [-n] [-f] perlexpr [filenames] -v(verbose)打印被成功重命名的文件 -n(no-act)只显示将被重命名的文件,而非实际进行重命名操作 -f(force)覆盖已经存在的文件 perlexprPerl语言格式的正则表达式 files需要被替换的文件(比如*.c.


在Linux下重命名文件或目录,可以使用mv命令或rename命令 mv ------------ mv命令既可以重命名,又可以移动文件或文件夹. 例子:将目录A重命名为B mv A B 例子:将/a目录移动到/b下,并重命名为c mv /a /b/c 其实在文本模式中要重命名文件或目录,只需要使用mv命令就可以了,比如说要将一个名为abc的文件重命名为1234: mv abc 1234 注意,如果当前目录下也有个1234的文件的话,这个文件是会将它覆盖的. rename -----------


在Linux下重命名文件或目录,可以使用mv命令或rename命令,这里分享下二者的使用方法. mv命令既可以重命名,又可以移动文件或文件夹. 例子:将目录A重命名为B mv A B 例子:将/a目录移动到/b下,并重命名为c mv /a /b/c 其实在文本模式中要重命名文件或目录,只需要使用mv命令就可以了,比如说要将一个名为abc的文件重命名为1234: mv abc 1234 注意,如果当前目录下也有个1234的文件的话,这个文件是会将它覆盖的. 下面介绍Linux系统中另一个重命名命令

[Linux] Linux中重命名文件和文件夹的方法(mv命令和rename命令)

原文链接 在Linux下重命名文件或目录,可以使用mv命令或rename命令,这里分享下二者的使用方法. mv命令既可以重命名,又可以移动文件或文件夹. 例子:将目录A重命名为B mv A B 例子:将/a目录移动到/b下,并重命名为c mv /a /b/c 其实在文本模式中要重命名文件或目录,只需要使用mv命令就可以了,比如说要将一个名为abc的文件重命名为1234: mv abc 1234 注意,如果当前目录下也有个1234的文件的话,这个文件是会将它覆盖的. 下面介绍Linux系统中另一个


mv命令既可以重命名,又可以移动文件或文件夹. 例子:将目录A重命名为B mv A B 例子:将/a目录移动到/b下,并重命名为c mv /a /b/c 例子:将文件A.txt重命名为B.txt mv A.txt B.txt 例子:将文件A.txt移动到B目录下 mv A.txt /B

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