算法练习:最小生成树 (Minimum Spanning Tree)


以下我选用其中一个简单的算法描述,编写 Python 代码尝试解决此问题。



 1 # coding: utf-8
 3 from sets import Set
 5 def edge_name(v1, v2):
 6     if v1 < v2:
 7         return v1 + v2
 8     return v2 + v1
11 # Prim algorithm
12 def mst(vectors, costs, vectors_in_g, edges_in_g):
13     if len(vectors) == len(vectors_in_g):
14         return (vectors_in_g, edges_in_g)
16     min_cost = max(costs.values()) + 1
17     remaining_vectors = vectors.difference(vectors_in_g)
18     next_vector = ‘‘
19     next_edge = ‘‘
21     for x in vectors_in_g:
22         for y in remaining_vectors:
23             ename = edge_name(x, y)
24             if ename not in costs:
25                 continue
26             cost = costs[ename]
27             if cost < min_cost:
28                 next_vector = y
29                 next_edge = ename
30                 min_cost = cost
32     if next_vector <> ‘‘ and next_edge <> ‘‘:
33         new_vectors_in_g = vectors_in_g.copy()
34         new_edges_in_g = edges_in_g[:]
35         new_vectors_in_g.add(next_vector)
36         new_edges_in_g.append(next_edge)
38         return mst(vectors, costs, new_vectors_in_g, new_edges_in_g)
39     else:
40         raise Exception("The MST can not be found.")
42 my_vectors = Set([‘a‘, ‘b‘, ‘c‘, ‘d‘, ‘e‘, ‘f‘, ‘g‘])
43 my_costs = {
44     ‘ab‘: 12,
45     ‘ad‘: 11,
46     ‘ae‘: 16,
47     ‘ag‘: 14,
48     ‘bc‘: 11,
49     ‘bd‘: 13,
50     ‘cd‘: 13,
51     ‘cf‘: 15,
52     ‘df‘: 16,
53     ‘ef‘: 15,
54     ‘eg‘: 10,
55     ‘fg‘: 14
56 }
58 vs, es = mst(my_vectors, my_costs, Set(list(my_vectors)[0]), [])
60 print vs
61 print es
63 total_cost = 0
64 for e in es:
65     total_cost += my_costs[e]
67 print total_cost


Set([‘a‘, ‘c‘, ‘b‘, ‘e‘, ‘d‘, ‘g‘, ‘f‘])
[‘ad‘, ‘ab‘, ‘bc‘, ‘ag‘, ‘eg‘, ‘fg‘]

从输出结果可知最优解的总权重72. 图示如下:

时间: 2024-12-13 23:07:02

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