硬盘安装 kali

准备 :

  一个kali linux启动盘、一个至少20G磁盘大小,内存空间至少2G的计算机、计算机支持光驱或者U盘


  1. To start your installation, boot with your chosen installation medium. You should be greeted with the Kali Boot screen. Choose either Graphical or Text-Mode install. In this example, we chose a GUI install.

  2. Select your preferred language and then your country location. You’ll also be prompted to configure your keyboard with the appropriate keymap. 

  3. Specify your geographic location.
  4. The installer will copy the image to your hard disk, probe your network interfaces, and then prompt you to enter a hostname for your system. In the example below, we’ve entered “kali” as our hostname. 

  5. You may optionally provide a default domain name for this system to use. 

  6. Next, provide a full name for a non-root user for the system.
  7. A default user ID will be created, based on the full name you provided. You can change this if you like.
  8. Next, set your time zone.

  9. The installer will now probe your disks and offer you four choices. In our example, we’re using the entire disk on our computer and not configuring LVM (logical volume manager). Experienced users can use the “Manual” partitioning method for more granular configuration options.

  10. Select the disk to be partitioned.

  11. Depending on your needs, you can choose to keep all your files in a single partition — the default — or to have separate partitions for one or more of the top-level directories. If you’re not sure which you want, you want “All files in one partition”.

  12. Next, you’ll have one last chance to review your disk configuration before the installer makes irreversible changes. After you click Continue, the installer will go to work and you’ll have an almost finished installation.

  13. Configure network mirrors. Kali uses a central repository to distribute applications. You’ll need to enter any appropriate proxy information as needed.

    NOTE! If you select “NO” in this screen, you will NOT be able to install packages from Kali repositories.

  14. Next, install GRUB.

  15. Finally, click Continue to reboot into your new Kali installation.

时间: 2024-08-10 15:07:59

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安装Kali Linux

1.4.1 安装至硬盘 安装到硬盘是最基本的操作之一.该工作的实现可以让用户不使用DVD,而正常的运行Kali Linux.在安装这个全新的操作系统之前,需要做一些准备工作.例如,从哪里得到Linux?对电脑配置有什么要求?--下面将逐一列出这些要求. Kali Linux安装的磁盘空间的最小值是8GB.为了便于使用,这里推荐至少25GB去保存附加程序和文件. 内存最好为512MB以上. Kali Linux的下载地址http://www.kali.org/downloads/ 图1.1 下载K


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在虚拟机中安装kali linux 在电脑上安装kali linux已经有很多教程了.这里介绍在VMware中安装kali linux .过程跟在电脑上安装差不多.只是需要一些前期的设置. 工具/原料 下载一个vmware workstation 下载kali linux的镜像文件.有i386或amd64. https://www.kali.org/ 方法/步骤 1 打开vmware workstation.并点击新建虚拟机.如下图 2 稍后我们再安装kali linux操作系统.这里我们选择稍

VMware上安装Kali Linux 超详细教程

一.下载镜像文件 下载好系统对应镜像文件  https://www.kali.org/downloads/ 二.创建新的虚拟机 1.创建新的虚拟机 我们使用自定义的配置方法. 2.添加镜像文件的路径 3.选择系统 4.输入虚拟机的名称和安装位置. 5.处理器配置 6.内存分配 建议不要超过提示的最大推荐内存,这里分配2GB. 7.添加网络 8.继续点击下一步,使用推荐选项,直至出现磁盘容量分配. 一定要比建议分配容量大!一定要比建议分配容量大!一定要比建议分配容量大!否则后面安装时会卡在奇怪的地


完全是自己学习后的笔记,和基本的linux配置命令 输入的命令    输入的内容 1.更新软件源:修改sources.list文件: leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list #官方源 deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contribdeb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contribdeb http://security.kali.org/kal

U盘安装Kali 出现cd-rom无法挂载 已解决

用U盘安装Kali Linux的过程中,出现cd-rom无法挂载的现象,百度坑比啊,醉了.下面亲测成功 出现无法挂载后,选择执行shell 第一步:df -m此时会看到挂载信息,最下面的是/dev/*** /media 表示U盘设备挂载到了/media,导致cd-rom不能被挂载. 第二步:umount /media 第三步:exit退出shell窗口,继续安装.此时可正常安装下去.