CPython实现细节: 由于GIL(Global Interpreter Lock),在CPython中一次只能有一个线程来执行python代码,不过有些面向执行的库可以克服这个限制。如果想要使你的应用程序更好的利用计算机资源的话,最好使用multiprocessing。 但是,如果同时运行多个I/O任务的话,线程依然是一个很好地选择。
1. 函数说明。
start_new_thread ( function , args [ , kwargs ] )
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ coding = utf-8 _*_
import thread
import time
def work_thread(id):
cnt = 1
print "Thread %d is runing..." % id
while True:
print "Thread with ID %d has counter value %d" % (id, cnt)
cnt += 1
for i in range(1,5):
print "Main thread doing an infinite wait loop..."
while True:
$ ./thread_demo.py
Main thread doing an infinite wait loop…
Thread 3 is runing…
Thread 1 is runing…
Thread 2 is runing…
Thread 4 is runing…
Thread with ID 1 has counter value 1
Thread with ID 4 has counter value 1
Thread with ID 2 has counter value 1
Thread with ID 3 has counter value 1
Thread with ID 2 has counter value 2
Thread with ID 3 has counter value 2
Thread with ID 4 has counter value 2
Thread with ID 1 has counter value 2
Thread with ID 3 has counter value 3
Thread with ID 4 has counter value 3
Thread with ID 1 has counter value 3
Thread with ID 2 has counter value 3
Thread with ID 1 has counter value 4
Thread with ID 4 has counter value 4
Thread with ID 2 has counter value 4
Thread with ID 3 has counter value 4
thread.exit ()。结束当前线程。调用该函数会触发 SystemExit 异常,如果没有处理该异常,线程将结束。