C#操作Advantage Database Server


引用 D:\Program Files (x86)\Advantage 11.10\ado.net\2.0\Advantage.Data.Provider.dll

using System;
using Advantage.Data.Provider;  

namespace ADSDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a connection object
           // AdsConnection conn = new AdsConnection("data source=c:\\data;" +
            //"ServerType=remote|local; TableType=ADT");

            //AdsConnection conn = new AdsConnection();
            //conn.ConnectionString = "data source=c:\\data\\Demo2.add; " +
            //"user id = adssys; password = ‘‘ " +
            //"ServerType=local; TrimTrailingSpaces = true";

            //AdsConnection conn = new AdsConnection();
            //conn.ConnectionString = "data source=c:\\data\\Demo2.add; " +
            //"user id = adssys;  " +
            //"ServerType=local; TrimTrailingSpaces = true";

            AdsConnection conn = new AdsConnection();
            conn.ConnectionString = "data source=c:\\data\\Demo2.add; " +
            "ServerType=local; TrimTrailingSpaces = true";

            AdsCommand cmd;
            AdsDataReader reader;
            int iField;
                // create a command object
                cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                // specify a simple SELECT statement
                cmd.CommandText = "select * from users";
                // execute the statement and create a reader
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                // dump the results of the query to the console
                while (reader.Read())
                    for (iField = 0; iField < reader.FieldCount; iField++)
                        Console.Write(reader.GetValue(iField) + " ");
            catch (AdsException e)

            catch (System.Exception ex)


C#操作Advantage Database Server

时间: 2024-10-07 11:48:13

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