



  去改写对象下面公用的方法或者属性 , 让公用的方法或者属性在内存中存在一份 ( 提高性能)

  2 <html>
  3  <head>
  4   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  5   <title>弹窗拖拽组件开发</title>
  6   <style type="text/css">
  7       body,p,input{margin: 0;padding:0;}
  8       form{text-align:center;}
  9       form input{width:50px;font-size: 14px;height: 30px;z-index: 333;position: relative;}
 10       .diag{background: #3D95D5;position: absolute;z-index: 2;}
 11       .diag p{line-height: 20px;background: #f00;height:20px;}
 12       .diag span{font-size: 12px;float: left;padding-left:20px; }
 13       .diag .close{font-size: 20px;float: right;padding-right:10px; cursor: default;}
 14       #mark{width:500px;height:500px;background: orange;position: absolute;left: 0;top:0;z-index: 1;
 15               opacity: 0.3; filter:alpha(opacity=30);}
 16   </style>
 17   <script type="text/javascript">
 18       window.onload=function(){
 19           var aInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
 21         aInput[0].onclick=function(){
 22             var d1 = new Dialog();
 23             d1.init({
 24                 title:"新闻",
 25                 iNow:1
 26             });
 27         };
 28         aInput[1].onclick=function(){
 29             var d1 = new Dialog();
 30             d1.init({
 31                 w:150,
 32                 h:150,
 33                 dir:"rightBottom",
 34                 title:"购物",
 35                 iNow:2
 36             });
 37         };
 38         aInput[2].onclick=function(){
 39             var d1 = new Dialog();
 40             d1.init({
 41                 dir:"rightTop",
 42                 mark:true,
 43                 title:"旅游",
 44                 iNow:3
 45             });
 46         };
 47         aInput[3].onclick=function(){
 48             var d1 = new Dialog();
 49             d1.init({
 50                 dir:"rightTop",
 51                 move:true,
 52                 title:"狂欢",
 53                 iNow:4
 54             });
 55         };
 56         function Dialog(){
 57             this.disX=0;
 58             this.disY=0;
 59             this.oDiag=null;
 60             this.settings={
 61                 w:200,
 62                 h:200,
 63                 dir:"center",
 64                 title:"",
 65                 mark:false,
 66                 move:false
 67             };
 68         };
 69         Dialog.prototype.json={};
 70         Dialog.prototype.init=function(opt){
 71             extend(this.settings,opt);
 73             if(this.json[opt.iNow] == undefined){
 74                 this.json[opt.iNow]=true;
 75             }
 76             if(this.json[opt.iNow]){
 77                 this.Create();
 78                 this.fnClose();
 80                 if(this.settings.move){
 81                     this.move();
 82                 }
 83                 if(this.settings.mark){
 84                     this.CreateMark();
 85                 }
 86                 this.json[opt.iNow]=false;
 87             }
 88         };
 90         Dialog.prototype.Create=function(){
 91             this.oDiag = document.createElement("div");
 92             this.oDiag.className = "diag";
 93             this.oDiag.innerHTML = ‘<p><span>‘+this.settings.title+‘</span><span class="close">X</span></p>‘;
 94             document.body.appendChild(this.oDiag);
 96             this.setData();
 97         };
 98         Dialog.prototype.move=function(){
 99             var This=this;
101             this.oDiag.onmousedown=function(ev){
102                 var ev = ev || window.event;
103                 This.fnDown(ev);
104                 This.oDiag.style.zIndex+=2;
106                 document.onmousemove=function(ev){
107                     var ev = ev || window.event;
108                     This.fnMove(ev);
109                 }
110                 document.onmouseup=function(){
111                     This.fnUp();
112                 }
113             }
114         };
115         Dialog.prototype.fnDown=function(ev){
116             this.disX=ev.clientX-this.oDiag.offsetLeft;
117             this.disY=ev.clientY-this.oDiag.offsetTop;
118         }
119         Dialog.prototype.fnMove=function(ev){
120             this.oDiag.style.left=ev.clientX-this.disX+"px";
121             this.oDiag.style.top=ev.clientY-this.disY+"px";
122         }
123         Dialog.prototype.fnUp=function(){
124             document.onmousemove=null;
125             document.onmouseup=null;
126         }
127         //创建标记
128         Dialog.prototype.CreateMark=function(){
129             var oMark = document.createElement("div");
130             oMark.id="mark";
131             document.body.appendChild(oMark);
132             this.oMark=oMark;
133             oMark.style.width=viewWidth()+"px";
134             oMark.style.height=viewHeight()+"px";
135         }
136         //设置数据
137         Dialog.prototype.setData=function(){
138             this.oDiag.style.width = this.settings.w+"px";
139             this.oDiag.style.height = this.settings.h+"px";
141             if(this.settings.dir=="center"){
142                 this.oDiag.style.left=(viewWidth()-this.oDiag.offsetWidth)/2+"px";
143                 this.oDiag.style.top=(viewHeight()-this.oDiag.offsetHeight)/2+"px";
144             }
145             else if(this.settings.dir=="rightBottom"){
146                 this.oDiag.style.left=(viewWidth()-this.oDiag.offsetWidth)+"px";
147                 this.oDiag.style.top=(viewHeight()-this.oDiag.offsetHeight)+"px";
148             }
149             else if(this.settings.dir=="rightTop"){
150                 this.oDiag.style.left=(viewWidth()-this.oDiag.offsetWidth)+"px";
151                 this.oDiag.style.top=0+"px";
152             }
153         }
154         //关闭弹窗
155          Dialog.prototype.fnClose=function(){
156              var This=this;
157              var oClose = this.oDiag.getElementsByTagName("span")[1];
158              oClose.onclick=function(){
159                  document.body.removeChild(This.oDiag);
160                  if(This.settings.mark){
161                      document.body.removeChild(This.oMark);
162                  }
163                  This.json[This.settings.iNow]=true;
164              };
165          };
166          //可视区的宽
167         function viewWidth(){
168             return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
169         }
170         //可视区的高
171         function viewHeight(){
172             return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
173         }
174         //继承
175         function extend(obj1,obj2){
176             for(var attr in obj2){
177                 obj1[attr] = obj2[attr];
178             }
179         }
180           }
182   </script>
183  </head>
184  <body>
185      <form>
186          <input type="button" value="新闻">
187         <input type="button" value="购物">
188         <input type="button" value="旅游">
189         <input type="button" value="狂欢">
190      </form>
194  </body>
195 </html>
时间: 2024-08-26 10:40:59



拖拽效果 效果: 代码: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>弹窗拖拽</title> <style> *{margin:0;padding:0;} .box{position: absolute;width: 400px;height: 300px;top:100px;left:


<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>自定义事件拖拽组件</title> <style> #div1{ width:100px; height:100px; background:red; position:abs


<!doctype html><!--<!DOCTYPE> 声明位于文档中的最前面的位置,处于 <html> 标签之前.此标签可告知浏览器文档使用哪种 HTML 或 XHTML 规范.--><html>    <head>        <!--声明当前页面的编码集:charset=gbk,gb2312(中文编码),utf-8国际编码-->        <meta http-equiv="Content-

vue2-dragula vue拖拽组件

Drag and drop so simple it hurts Vue wrapper for dragula drag'n drop library, based on vue-dragula by @Astray-git. vue 为 dragula 拖拽 包装 减少 代码,基于   vue-dragula. This library has been refactored, upgraded and extended with powerful new features for use


可以拖拽,靠边停靠,效果图如下 代码如下: 注意:代码中使用的图片未上传 DragAndDrop组件: <template> <div class="drag" id="moveDiv" @mousedown="start($event)" @touchstart="start($event)" @mousemove="move($event)" @touchmove="move

Vue 组件总结 (一、拖拽组件 Vue-draggable)

一.vue-draggable 安装使用npm地址: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vuedraggable 二.表格拖拽使用, 举例: <table class="table table-condensed"> <thead> <tr> <th>视频ID</th> <th>名称</th> <th>作者</th> <th>创建时间<

Vue+element 需要用到拖拽组件 vuedraggable

新需求是要求界面上的14个可以拖拽,点击保存之后保存拖拽之后的顺序. 确定需求之后肯定第一时间是百度,发现有个插件vuedragger拖拽,按照教程就懵懂的开始了. 官方示例:https://david-desmaisons.github.io/draggable-example/ 1.安装 npm install vuedraggable 2.引入 import draggable from 'vuedraggable' 3.注册 components: { draggable } html


<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>无标题文档</title> <style> #div1{ width:100px; height:100px; background:red; position:absolut

element-ui dialog组件添加可拖拽位置 可拖拽宽高

有几个点需要注意一下 每个弹窗都要有唯一dom可操作 指令可以做到 拖拽时要添加可拖拽区块 header 由于element-ui dialog组件在设计时宽度用了百分比, 这里不同浏览器有兼容性问题 实现拖拽宽高时 获取边缘问题 div定位 设置模拟边缘 <template> <el-dialog v-dialogDrag ref="dialog__wrapper"> <div class="dialog-body"> <