初识ASP.NET CORE:一、HTTP pipeline

完整的http请求在asp.net framework中的处理流程:

 1 Asp.Net
 2 HttpRequest-->
 3 HTTP.exe-->
 4 inetinfo.exe(w3wp.exe)->
 6 Http Pipeline-->ASPNET_WP.EXE-->
 7 HttpRuntime.Init-->
 8 HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest-->
 9 ISAPIRuntime.ProcessRequest-->
10 HttpApplication Factory-->HttpApplication-->
11 HttpModule-->
12 HttpHandler Factory-->HttpHandler-->
13 HttpHandler.ProcessRequest() 
14 BeginRequest
15 AuthenticateRequest,PostAuthenticateRequest
16 AuthorizeRequest,PostAuthorizeRequest
17 ResolveRequestCache,PostResolveRequestCache
18 PostMapRequestHandler
19 AcquireRequestState,PostAcquireRequestState
20 PreRequestHandlerExecute,PostRequestHandlerExecute
21 ReleaseRequestState,PostReleaseRequestState
22 UpdateRequestCache,PostUpdateRequestCache
23 LogRequest,PostLogRequest
24 EndRequest


 1 Asp.Net MVC
 2 HttpRequest-->
 3 HTTP.exe-->
 4 inetinfo.exe(w3wp.exe)->
 6 Http Pipeline-->
 7 HttpRuntime.Init-->
 8 HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest-->
 9 ISAPIRuntime.ProcessRequest-->
10 BeginRequest
11 AuthenticateRequest,PostAuthenticateRequest
12 AuthorizeRequest,PostAuthorizeRequest
13 ResolveRequestCache,PostResolveRequestCache
14 MvcHandler
15 AcquireRequestState,PostAcquireRequestState
16 Controllor,Action
17 View
18 EndRequest

Asp.Net MVC

 1 Asp.Net Core
 2 HttpRequest-->
 3 Server-->
 4 HttpApplication-->
 5 MiddleWare(s)(handle features in HttpContext)
 6 MiddleWare(s)(handle features in HttpContext)
 7 MiddleWare(s)(handle features in HttpContext)
 8 (error handling,static file server,authentication,Routing MVC)
 9 .
10 .
11 .

Asp.Net Core

时间: 2025-01-09 10:28:36

初识ASP.NET CORE:一、HTTP pipeline的相关文章

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