How to Import MDF File to Microsoft Access

Step 1

Go to start button all Programs -> Microsoft SQL SERVER 2008 -> SQL SERVER Management Studio -> Right click -> Run as Administrator.

Step 2

Click on run as administrator. You will see a popup box asking for setup with two buttons YES or NO. Click on YES. After clicking on YES, the below window will appear.

Server Type-Database engine
Server Name- Your PC Name (Eample-GOURI-PC)
Authentication-If you choose Windows authentication, there is no need for login id and password and click on connect

If you choose SQL SERVER Authentication, give login id and password details and click on connect.

Step 3

After connection has been established, the below window will appear. Right click on Databases and click attach.

Step 4

After clicking attach, you will see the following window:

Step 5

Click on ADD. You will see the below screen. Choose your respective database which you want to attach, then Click OK.

Step 6

After clicking OK, select database which you have added before, then click OK. You are done with copying MDF file to SQL SERVER.

Converting MDF File To Microsoft Access
Step 1

Go to start, select control panel.

Step 2

Select Administrative Tools.

Step 3

Once you select administrative tools, the below window will appear. Double click on Data Source(ODBC).

Step 4

The below shown window will appear:

Step 5

Click on ADD button on left. You will see list of drivers available, select SQL SERVER and click finish.

Step 6

After clicking finish, one window will appear.

Step 7

Give any random NAME and remember that name for future use. Select your server name from dropdownlist(Example- GOURI-PC).

Step 8

Click Next Button.

Step 9

After clicking Next Button, the below window will appear.

If you choose windows NT Authentication, then simply click next.

If you choose SQL SERVER authentication, give LOGIN ID and PASSWORD, then click next.

Step 10

After clicking next below, choose change the default database to checkbox, then choose the database which you want to convert and click NEXT.

Step 11

Uncheck the Perform translation for character data and click on FINISH.

Step 12

Click on Test Data source.

Step 13


Step 14

Click on OK. One window will appear. Select the name which you have given in Step 7. Then click on OK.

Step 15

All programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Access -> Click on NEW.

Step 16

It‘s your choice to give name, then click create on left.

Step 17

Select EXTERNAL Data from Menu Bar.

Step 18

Select More -> Click on ODBC Database.

Step 19

On clicking ODBC Database, the below window will appear, simply click OK.

Step 20

After clicking OK, the small window appears. Select Machine Data Source -> Select the data source name which you gave in step 7, then click on OK.

Step 21

After clicking Ok, databases list along with tables will appear. Select appropriate table which you want to convert to Access and click OK.

Step 22

After clicking OK, the below screen will appear. Click on CLOSE.

Step 23

After clicking close, your table which you have selected will display at the right side of Access page. Double click on table name, the table data will be displayed. You are done with conversion.

How to Import MDF File to Microsoft Access

时间: 2024-07-28 16:09:16

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