


Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 32652   Accepted: 14263


Astronomers often examine star maps where stars are represented by points on a plane and each star has Cartesian coordinates. Let the level of a star be an amount of the stars that are not higher and not to the right of the given star. Astronomers want to know the distribution of the levels of the stars.For example, look at the map shown on the figure above. Level of the star number 5 is equal to 3 (it‘s formed by three stars with a numbers 1, 2 and 4). And the levels of the stars numbered by 2 and 4 are 1. At this map there are only one star of the level 0, two stars of the level 1, one star of the level 2, and one star of the level 3.
You are to write a program that will count the amounts of the stars of each level on a given map.


The first line of the input file contains a number of stars N (1<=N<=15000). The following N lines describe coordinates of stars (two integers X and Y per line separated by a space, 0<=X,Y<=32000). There can be only one star at one point of the plane. Stars are listed in ascending order of Y coordinate. Stars with equal Y coordinates are listed in ascending order of X coordinate.


The output should contain N lines, one number per line. The first line contains amount of stars of the level 0, the second does amount of stars of the level 1 and so on, the last line contains amount of stars of the level N-1.

Sample Input

1 1
5 1
7 1
3 3
5 5

Sample Output



This problem has huge input data,use scanf() instead of cin to read data to avoid time limit exceed.

2.题目大意(The meaning of the questions):






         1 1

         2 1

         3 1

         2 2

         3 5

         1 7

        化简为(去y留x):1  2  3  2 3 1(这些就是建好树之后,要加进去的点,加完一个查询一个就行)



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <cstdio>
 3 #include <cmath>
 4 #include <algorithm>
 5 #include <string.h>
 6 using namespace std;
 7 struct st{
 8     int value;
 9 }root[32005*4];
10 int level[32005*2];
11 void build(int rt,int l,int r)
12 {
13     int mid;
14     if (l==r) {root[rt].value=0;return ;}
15     mid=(l+r)/2;
16     build(2*rt,l,mid);
17     build(2*rt+1,mid+1,r);
18     root[rt].value=root[rt*2].value+root[rt*2+1].value;
19 }
20 int query(int rt,int l,int r,int left,int x)
21 {
22     int mid;
23     if (left==l&&r==x)return root[rt].value;
24     mid=(l+r)/2;
25     if (x<=mid){
26     return query(rt*2,l,mid,left,x);
27     }
28     if (left>mid){
29         return query(rt*2+1,mid+1,r,left,x);
30     }
31     return (query(rt*2,l,mid,left,mid)+query(rt*2+1,mid+1,r,mid+1,x));
32 }
33 void updata(int rt,int l,int r,int x)
34 {
35     int mid;
36     if (l==r){root[rt].value++;return;}
37     mid=(l+r)/2;
38     if (x>mid){
39         updata(rt*2+1,mid+1,r,x);
40     }else {
41         updata(rt*2,l,mid,x);
42     }
43     root[rt].value=root[rt*2].value+root[rt*2+1].value;
44 }
45 int main()
46 {
47     int n,x,y,sum,maxx=32005,i;
48     scanf("%d",&n);
49     for (i=0;i<n;i++){
50         level[i]=0;
51     }
52     build(1,0,maxx);
53     for (i=0;i<n;i++){
54         scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
55         sum=query(1,0,maxx,0,x);
56         level[sum]++;
57         updata(1,0,maxx,x);
58     }
59     for (i=0;i<n;i++){
60         printf("%d\n",level[i]);
61     }
62     return 0;
63 }


时间: 2024-10-23 20:40:23


POJ2352 Stars 【树状数组】or【线段树】

Stars Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 31172   Accepted: 13595 Description Astronomers often examine star maps where stars are represented by points on a plane and each star has Cartesian coordinates. Let the level of a st


解题关键:离线求区间第k小,主席树的经典裸题: 对主席树的理解:主席树维护的是一段序列中某个数字出现的次数,所以需要预先离散化,最好使用vector的erase和unique函数,很方便:如果求整段序列的第k小,我们会想到离散化二分和线段树的做法, 而主席树只是保存了序列的前缀和,排序之后,对序列的前缀分别做线段树,具有差分的性质,因此可以求任意区间的第k小,如果主席树维护索引,只需要求出某个数字在主席树中的位置,即为sort之后v中的索引:若要求第k大,建树时反向排序即可 1 #include

【BZOJ4942】[Noi2017]整数 线段树+DFS(卡过)

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luogu 1712 区间(线段树+尺取法)

题意:给出n个区间,求选择一些区间,使得一个点被覆盖的次数超过m次,最小的花费.花费指的是选择的区间中最大长度减去最小长度. 坐标值这么大,n比较小,显然需要离散化,需要一个技巧,把区间转化为半开半闭区间,然后线段树的每一个节点表示一个半开半闭区间. 接着我们注意到需要求最小的花费,且这个花费只与选择的区间集合中的最大长度和最小长度有关. 这意味着如果最大长度和最小长度一定,我们显然是需要把中间长度的区间尽量的选择进去使答案不会变的更劣. 不妨把区间按长度排序,枚举每个最小长度区间,然后最大区间

【BZOJ】1382: [Baltic2001]Mars Maps (线段树+扫描线)

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012: [JSOI2008]最大数maxnumber Time Limit: 3 Sec  Memory Limit: 162 MB Description 现在请求你维护一个数列,要求提供以下两种操作:1. 查询操作.语法:Q L 功能:查询当前数列中末尾L个数中的最大的数,并输出这个数的值.限制:L不超过当前数列的长度.2. 插入操作.语法:A n 功能:将n加上t,其中t是最近一次查询操作的答案(如果还未执行过查询操作,则t=0),并将所得结果对一个固定的常数D取模,将所得答案插入到数列

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