Using pg_dump restore dump file on Odoo

pg_restore -C -d postgres db.dump
时间: 2024-11-01 14:51:05

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Dump File Bat

export_ref.txt USERID=cpnpsv6/[email protected]LOGFILE=EXP_PRPCV6_20141226.logREUSE_DUMPFILES=YCONTENT=ALLDIRECTORY=DATA_PUMP_DIR SCHEMAS=cpnpsv6 COMPRESSION=DATA_ONLYESTIMATE_ONLY=NDUMPFILE=PRPCV620141226.dmp export_ref.bat expdp parfile=export_ref.

dump &amp; restore

[[email protected] ~]# yum install dump -ydump [option] dstname <file | dir> -level# 指定备份级别0-9 -f filename 指定备份文件名 -u 备份成功后,在/etc/dumpdates中记录备份时间 -v 详细输出 -j bzip压缩.bz2 -W 显示允许被dump的分区的备份等级及备份时间 分区级备份[[email protected] ~]# dfFilesystem     1K-blocks