



chapter 4The King James Bible or light there be

light reading In 1611 ‘the powers that be‘ turned

the word upside down‘ witha ‘labour of love‘

a new translation of the bible. A team of scribes

with the ‘wisdom of Solomon - went the extra mile‘

to make King James‘s tramslation a‘all things to all men

whether from their heart‘s desire‘ to

fight the good fight or just for the fithy lucre.

This sexy new Bible ent from strength to strength

getting to the root of the matter in a language even

the salt of the earth could understand.

The writing wasn‘t on the wall, it was

in handy little books and with fire and brimstone

preachers reading from it in every church,its

words and phrases ‘took root‘ to the ends of

the earth‘ ell at least the ends of Britain.

The King James Bible is the book that taught us

that ‘a leopard can‘t change its spots‘, that ‘a

bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,that

a wolf in sheep‘s clothing is harder to spot

than you would imagine, and how annoying

ti si to have ‘a fly in your ointment.

In fact,just as Jonathan

begat Meribbaal; and

Nerubbaak begat Nucag,

And Micah begat

Pithon‘,the King James Bible begat a whole

glossary of metaphor and morality the still

shapes the way English is spoken today.Amen


时间: 2024-10-21 09:46:32



------------------------ 互联网英语 ----------------------- chapter 9 Internet English Or language reverts to type In 1972 the first email was sent. Soon the Internet arrived a free global space to share information, ideas and amusing pictures of cats. Be


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如上图所示为常见的,让人看了头晕的 几个种编码. 看懂下面几条规则,你就明白他们的关系了. [1]有些人说,GBK严格来说是字符集,而utf-8则是编码,这种区分已经相当模糊了,他们都是"字节到字符的映射关系",所以下面都用编码来说吧. [2] ISO-8859-1 这种编码是单字节编码,衍生于ASCII,表示范围0-255,只要按照ASCII的规则设计的编码,不管是几字节的,都可以和ISO-8859-1兼容. [3]比如说,GBK编码(双字节)能转化成ISO-8859-1编码,是因为