USE [CRM01] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Account3YearsTrade] Script Date: 07/15/2015 08:34:37 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- Batch submitted through debugger: SQLQuery1.sql|7|0|C:\Users\crmqas2\AppData\Local\Temp\3\~vs3E13.sql ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Account3YearsTrade] as DECLARE @AccountId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER , @yt_total_price money , @OpportunityId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER , @yt_invoice_date int , @yt_lastyeartrading money , @yt_toptwoannualturnover money , @yt_topthreeannualturnover money , @nowdate int --声明一个游标mycursor,select语句中参数的个数必须要和从游标取出的变量名相同 DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR select accountid from accountBase WHERE StateCode=0 SELECT @nowdate=DATEPART(year,Getdate()) --打开游标 OPEN mycursor --从游标里取出数据赋值到我们刚才声明的2个变量中 FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor INTO @AccountId --判断游标的状态 -- 0 fetch语句成功 ---1 fetch语句失败或此行不在结果集中 ---2 被提取的行不存在 WHILE ( @@fetch_status = 0 ) BEGIN set @yt_lastyeartrading = 0 set @yt_toptwoannualturnover = 0 set @yt_topthreeannualturnover = 0 DECLARE mycursortwo CURSOR FOR WITH childAccount(accountid,ParentAccountId) as ( SELECT accountid,ParentAccountId FROM AccountBase WHERE [email protected] UNION ALL SELECT A.accountid,A.ParentAccountId FROM AccountBase A,childAccount b where a.ParentAccountId = b.accountid ) select yt_total_price,DATEPART(year,yt_invoice_date),OpportunityId from Opportunity where yt_arrive in(SELECT accountid from childAccount) and yt_status=100000002 open mycursortwo FETCH NEXT FROM mycursortwo INTO @yt_total_price,@yt_invoice_date,@OpportunityId while( @@fetch_status = 0 ) begin if(@[email protected]) begin set @yt_lastyeartrading = @yt_lastyeartrading + isnull(@yt_total_price,0.0000) end else if(@[email protected]) begin set @yt_toptwoannualturnover = @yt_toptwoannualturnover + isnull(@yt_total_price,0.0000) end else if(@[email protected]) begin set @yt_topthreeannualturnover = @yt_topthreeannualturnover + isnull(@yt_total_price,0.0000) end FETCH NEXT FROM mycursortwo INTO @yt_total_price,@yt_invoice_date,@OpportunityId end CLOSE mycursortwo DEALLOCATE mycursortwo update Account set yt_lastyeartrading = @yt_lastyeartrading,yt_lastyeartrading_Base = @yt_lastyeartrading,yt_toptwoannualturnover = @yt_toptwoannualturnover, yt_toptwoannualturnover_Base = @yt_toptwoannualturnover,yt_topthreeannualturnover = @yt_topthreeannualturnover,yt_topthreeannualturnover_Base = @yt_topthreeannualturnover where AccountId = @AccountId --用游标去取下一条客户 FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor INTO @AccountId END --关闭游标 CLOSE mycursor --撤销游标 DEALLOCATE mycursor
时间: 2024-10-10 14:34:17