
Modeling New Properties


The basic properties of the UML’s
building blocks-----attributes and operations for classes, the contents of packages, and so on----are generic enough to address most of the things you’ll
want to model. However, if you want to extend the properties of these basic building blocks, you need to define stereotypes and tagged values.


To model new properties,

lFirst, make sure there’s
not already a way to express what you want by using basic UML.

lIf you’re
convinced there’s no other way to express these semantics, define a stereotype and add the new properties to
the stereotype. The rules of generalization apply----tagged values defined for one kind of stereotype apply to its children.




For example, suppose you want to tie the models you create to your project’s
configuration management system. Among other things, this means keeping track of the version number, current check in/check out status, and perhaps even the creation and modification dates of each subsystem. Because this is process-specific information, it
is not a basic part of the UML, although you can add this information as tagged values. Furthermore, this information is not just a class attribute either. A subsystem’s
version number is part of its meta-data, not part of the model.


Figure 6-10 shows three subsystems, each of which has been extended with the
stereotype to include its version number and status.


The values of tags such as
version and
status are things that can be set by tools. Rather than setting these values in your
model by hand, you can use a development environment that integrates your configuration management tools with your modeling tools to maintain these values for you.

备注:象版本和状态这些事物的标签值可以通过工具设置.与其在你的模型中手动设置这些值,倒不如使用一个 整合有你的建模工具和配置管理工具的开发环境为你保留这些值.

时间: 2024-08-26 01:30:31



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