win 2012R2 服务器管理器: 在可管理性-联机-数据检索失败

几天前升级 windows server 2008 R2 到 windows server 2012 R2, 在服务器管理器中收到报警:服务器管理器: 在可管理性-联机-数据检索失败。仪表板中角色和服务组,全部红色。
日志消息:无法查询 bpa xpath (Microsoft/Windows/DHCPServer:$reports$*\Result.xml:/ResultDatabase/Result) 的结果。错误: 连到系统上的设备没有发挥作用。,上一个错误: 系统找不到指定的路径。


Tip: Fixing Windows Server 2012 upgrade to Server 2012 R2 Data retrieval issue in Server Manager

Hello Folks,

very often after an upgrade from Windows Server 2012 to Server 2012 R2 it can happen that you will receive an issue in the Server Manager telling you that you got an Data retrieval Error for one or more upgraded Servers.

This issue has, from my Point of view, nothing to do with User Rights or similar… It’s more related to a bad upgrade Routine (by the way, Windows 8.1 has the same issue after a upgrade but it’s not so annoying like in the Server Manager).

To verify that the fix will work for you open the EventViewer and browse to Administrative Events in Custom Views, if you now get an error pointing to Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic then you got it….

Open Regedit and search for: Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskTone/Analytic

Delete all entries that are located in a /WINEVT/Channels path in the registry and related to Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskTone/Analytic like HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels\Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic (make sure that it really is Microsoft-Windows-Dxp/Analytic!), you can export the entries before you delete it as backup.

Reboot the System or restart the Eventlog and WMI Service open the Server Manager and verify that the issue is gone now.

If not, check in the EventViewer again… If you got now a message pointing to Microsoft-Windows-Dxp/Analytic proceed like for DxpTaskTone.

Update: This has solved the issue for me after an upgrade in 4 of 5 cases. i the 5th case i was required to reinstall nearly every installed Serverrole… Iam not really sure to recommend a upgrade at all, until now i got 0 (zero) upgrades without any required interactions/issue at all.



P.S.: Do only use this fix if you really got the DxpTaskRingtone message in the EventViewer, the fault can be also related to other issues and in this case the solution will not help you!!!

I had the same issues in the ServerManager-ManagementProvider logs but I had an additional error earlier in the log (around the same time frame)...

Generic failure querying the localized name for channel: Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic [hResult = Function failed during execution., hLastResult = The system cannot find the file specified.].

Looking at the log in Applications and Services Logs, Microsoft, Windows, DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic it cant open the log file. Note: This was listed exactly as typed even though it should have been Applications and Services Logs, Microsoft, Windows, DxpTaskRingtone, Analytic. I looked for the log file and sure enough it was not there. I looked at the registry entry:


I compared this to other entries and didn‘t see any corruption. Looking at the Isolation and Type of other entries this should not even show up in the event log. I edited the name of the key and sure enough it disappeared from the event log. I changed the name back and it was still gone. I refreshed my Server Manager and still saw red. Just for shits and giggles I backed up the key and deleted it. With the key gone the server manager refreshes without error and all of my manageability icons are green.

Not sure if this helps anyone else but this was my fix. I am not sure what deleting this key is going to do down the road but apparently the event has something to do with VOIP ringtones so I‘m not worried.


时间: 2024-07-29 10:11:49

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