myeclipse编译弹框:The builder launch configuration could not be found

myEclipse 每次编译时报 "The builder launch configuration could not be found" 的弹框:不影响项目编译启动,但是弹框挺烦人,从网上看到解决方法:出处:

        1. Package Explorer 视图下选中项目名

        2. Eclipse 工具栏中选择 Project -> Properties

        3. 弹出的 Properties 对话框中,点击 Builders 

4. 将缺失的 builder 移除掉 -> 点击 OK 按钮


时间: 2024-08-10 00:05:08

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The builder launch configuration could not be found

Export Wizard Error      Errors occurred during the buildProblems occured when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.resources".   The builder launch configuration could not be found   The builder launch configuration could not be found 解决办法:

解决A program file was not specified in the launch configuration.问题

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