【leetcode】961. N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array


In a array A of size 2N, there are N+1 unique elements, and exactly one of these elements is repeated N times.

Return the element repeated N times.

Example 1:

Input: [1,2,3,3]
Output: 3

Example 2:

Input: [2,1,2,5,3,2]
Output: 2

Example 3:

Input: [5,1,5,2,5,3,5,4]
Output: 5


  1. 4 <= A.length <= 10000
  2. 0 <= A[i] < 10000
  3. A.length is even



class Solution(object):
    def repeatedNTimes(self, A):
        :type A: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        dic = {}
        res = 0
        for i in A:
            dic[i] = dic.setdefault(i,0) + 1
            if dic[i] == len(A)/2:
                res = i
        return res


时间: 2024-11-09 04:44:51

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