目录 理解Spring WEB MVC架构的演变 认识Spring WEB MVC 传统时代的Spring WEB MVC 新时代Spring WEB MVC SpringBoot简化WEB MVC开发 自动装配 条件装配 外部化配置 本章源码下载 理解Spring WEB MVC架构的演变 基础Servlet架构 核心架构:前端控制器 Spring WEB MVC架构 认识Spring WEB MVC 传统时代的Spring WEB MVC 怎么讲呢?就是很传统的使用Spring Framew
This week I spend reasonable time to eliminate all our ThreadLocal variables in our web applications. The reason was that they created classloader leaks and we coudn't undeploy our applications properly anymore. Classloader leaks happen when a GC roo