
herb [h??b]药草


herb is a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to add flavour to food, or as a medicine.

medicinal herb草药;药草

chinese medicinal herb中草药

words in dict: 3174
number of unknow words: 70
word count
herbs 34
ginseng 25
meridians 24
caulis 23
herbal 22
spleen 19
tonifies 14
herb 12
medicinal 11
ginger 10
cinnamon 10
radix 9
medicinals 9
ephedra 9
astragalus 9
chinensis 8
sinensis 7
materia 7
coptis 7
bulbus 7
tonify 6
rhubarb 6
rhizome 6
rehmannia 6
pungent(acrid 6
licorice 6
herbology 6
fritillariae 6
cortex 6
wolfberry 5
salvia 5
pungent 5
peony 5
mushrooms 5
medica 5
cornu 5
concha 5
cochrane 5
atractylodes 5
treatise 4
rheum 4
paeonia 4
glycyrrhiza 4
extracts 4
drains 4
decoction 4
cassia 4
angelica 4
sinica 3
panax 3
menstruation 3
lactiflora 3
japonica 3
invigorate 3
foxglove 3
extracted 3
exterior 3
efficacy 3
dìhuáng 3
dynasty 3
cinnamomum 3
cervi 3
bupleurum 3
bladder 3
bile 3
bark 3
aster 3
alleviates 3
ailments 3
acrid 3

时间: 2024-08-06 16:14:42



respiratory infection呼吸道感染 一.一   upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 1.otitis中耳炎[?(?)'ta?t?s] 2.sinusitis  [,sa?n?'sa?t?s]鼻窦炎 3.pharyngitis[,fær??'d?a?t?s] 咽炎 4.tonsillitis  [t?ns?'la?t?s] 扁桃体炎 一.二   lower respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染 1.bronchitis[brɑ


word           count---------------------diabetes     [,da??'bi?ti?z]     150any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst.N-UNCOUNT Diabetes is a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their


omeprazole 奥美拉唑 pantoprazole 泮托拉唑 rabeprazole雷贝拉唑 metronidazole甲硝锉 clarithromycin克拉霉素 amoxicillin阿莫西 penicillin青霉素,盘尼西林 quadruple therapy四联疗法 triple therapy 三联疗法 Olmesartan奥美沙坦


chlorine氯气 ?kl??r?i?n dioxide二氧化物 da??ɑ:ksa?d oxidize使氧化 ?ɑ:ks?da?z chlorine dioxide二氧化氯 多糖(polysaccharide) saccharide 糖类'sæk??ra?d


words in dict: 3133number of unknow words: 5word           count---------------------zoloft             7pfizer        辉瑞(美国制药公司)     5 lawsuit  ['l??su?t; -sju?t]     诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)    3 CET6 TEM8四星 N-COUNT A lawsuit is a case in a court of law which c


感冒 respiratory   [resp(?)r?t(?)r? ]adj. 呼吸的   12 relating to breathing. cough      [k?f] 咳嗽       12 sudden expulsion of air from the lungs that clears the air passages; a common symptom of upper respiratory infection or bronchitis or pneumonia or tu


cyte细胞(医) myeloid 骨髓的 progenitor祖先;先驱;前辈;原本 Myeloid progenitor 髓系祖细胞 Basophil嗜碱粒细胞 Eosinophil嗜酸性细胞 Neutrophil 嗜中性粒细胞 Monocyte单核细胞 macro 巨大的 phage噬菌体 Macrophage巨噬细胞 Dendritic cell 树突细胞 lymphoid 淋巴的 Lymphoid Progenitor淋巴系祖细胞 Lymphocytes淋巴细胞 T cell  T细胞


procaryotic cell 原核细胞(无核膜) having cells that lack membrane-bound nuclei(核心) eucaryotic cell 真核细胞(有核膜) having cells with `good' or membrane-bound nuclei nucleus 细胞核['nju?kl??s] nucleoid ['n?kli,??d]拟核 也称核区(nuclear region).核体(nuclear body)或染色质体(chromat


joint fluid关节液 synovium滑膜[s?'n??v??m a thin membrane in synovial (freely moving) joints that lines the joint capsule and secretes synovial fluid hyperostosis 骨质增生 cartilage['kɑ?t(?)l?d?]软骨 Cartilage is a strong, flexible substance in your body, espec