【比特币】Ethereum: Smart Contract



There is a payment called P2SH( pay to script hash) in bitcoin. With this feature, you can compile many interesting scripts( the original form of contract) like this wiki and this.

Here more sample for P2SH:

  • Hash Locked Tx on ZKCP
  <Seller Pubkey>
  <Buyer Pubkey>

But for more complex logical control on contract, such as colored bitcoin, and stake IPO, Bitcoin has no these abilities.

More Inventions

  • Powerful script: a Turing-Complete VM and interperter
  • State stroage: MPT as a database
  • Protection of network from abusing of the powerful script: Gas

Experiment on Ethereum private network

  • Construct a Private network

what happens on block-chain

  • Install a script interpreter: Solidity for example
  • Fund a EOA with ether
  • Create Contract from this EOA
    • write a script
    • compile
    • deploy
    • get address of this contract

what happens on block-chain

  • Call the contract

what happens on block-chain

时间: 2024-08-27 00:09:41

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https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-725.md eip title author discussions-to status type category created 725 Proxy Identity Fabian Vogelsteller (@frozeman) https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/725 Draft Standards Track ERC 2017-10