Unit 15 Where do you live?Where do you sleep?Where are you from?

Where are you from?

I‘m from China.

Where do you live?

Where do you sleep?

Where do you come from?

What‘s your nationality?

I‘m chinese.

Where are you from?

Where do you come from?

Where do you live?

What‘s your nationatily?

时间: 2024-07-30 08:32:39

Unit 15 Where do you live?Where do you sleep?Where are you from?的相关文章

unit 15

###unit.15系统虚拟机管理### ###1.安装 #!/bin/bash \                                              ###命令运行环境的指定 --name $1 \                                                ###安装虚拟机 --ram 1000 \                                               ###内存 --file /var/lib/

Linux学习 Unit 15

15.系统虚拟机管理 ####1.安装#### #!/bin/bash##命令运行环境的指定 virt-install \##安装虚拟机 --name $1 \##虚拟机名称指定,$1表示脚本后的第一串字符 --ram 1000 \##内存 --file /var/lib/libvirt/images/$1.img \##硬盘文件 --file-size 8 \ ##硬盘文件大小 --cdrom /var/ftp/pub/iso/rhel-server-7.1-x86_64-dvd.iso &


最近一直忙着11月份软考的复习,一直没有练习C#.觉得对于一个新手,长时间不练肯定不行,所以觉得敲敲代码练练手.刚好电脑磁盘里有以前Down的C#开源游戏,于是挑中了贪吃蛇,来练练手. 贪吃蛇游戏界面如下: 为了实现贪吃蛇,一共写了四个类,分别是: 1)Bean:食物类,就是玩家要吃的那个食物,里面实现了两个方法:食物的显示与食物的消失(因为食物被吃了以后应该消失) 2)Block:蛇块类,就是组成蛇的单元,玩家吃到食物,蛇的蛇块增加一节. 3)Snake:蛇类,游戏中的主角,玩家通过上下左右四


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Java Executor 框架

Java Executor 框架 Executor框架是指java5中引入的一系列并发库中与executor相关的功能类,包括Executor.Executors. ExecutorService.CompletionService.Future.Callable等.(图片引用自 http://www.javaclubcn.com/a/jichuzhishi/2012/1116/170.html) 本篇博文分析Executor中几个比较重要的接口和类. Executor 1 public int

泛函编程(32)-泛函IO:IO Monad

由于泛函编程非常重视函数组合(function composition),任何带有副作用(side effect)的函数都无法实现函数组合,所以必须把包含外界影响(effectful)副作用不纯代码(impure code)函数中的纯代码部分(pure code)抽离出来形成独立的另一个纯函数.我们通过代码抽离把不纯代码逐步抽离向外推并在程序里形成一个纯代码核心(pure core).这样我们就可以顺利地在这个纯代码核心中实现函数组合.IO Monad就是泛函编程处理副作用代码的一种手段.我们先

Flexible implementation of a system management mode (SMM) in a processor

A?system?management?mode?(SMM) of operating a processor includes only a basic set of hardwired hooks or mechanisms in the processor for supporting SMM. Most of SMM functionality, such as the processing actions performed when entering and exiting SMM,

RH033读书笔记(17) - Summary

End of Unit 1 • Questions and Answers • Summary • Open source and the right to modify • The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation • Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Fedora Project • Basic Linux Principles


转自:https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/docs/lanana/device-list/devices-2.6.txt LINUX ALLOCATED DEVICES (2.6+ version) Maintained by Torben Mathiasen <[email protected]> Last revised: 25 January 2005 This list is the Linux Device List, the official regi