.sh install

When you want to use the alibaba or the corresponding pay in the linux, you should first install the pulgins to make it run currately. That is, download the aliedit.tar.gz; then compress it; then in the folder, ./aliedit.sh or sudo ./aliedi.sh. Because the .sh is the excuted file in the linux, in the way as the same as the .exe in the windows system. When compress it in the folder, you can use the tar command, that is tar -xvjf to do it; or tip the right button to compress it.

  • x : extract
  • -v : verbose: show what is being extracted
  • -j : type of compression, in this case bzip2
  • -f : ‘next comes the filename‘

In that way, you can run the alibaba in the linux.

时间: 2024-07-30 08:42:38

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