S+ hidden tray with window start

I forgot that this is supported in the code, but it requires a little editing of the config or a special sequence.

S+, use the hotkey to hide the tray icon, then acExit() or
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+WIN+End to exit S+, that will remember that the icon was

The setting in StrokesPlus.xml is TrayIconVisible, 0 =
hidden. Clearly, this would be better as an option in the Preferences
window..I‘ll add that sometime soon.

Actually, with the addition
of sp_init() in Global Lua and the changes to acToggleTrayIcon, I don‘t
see a need to add this as a preference.

时间: 2024-07-30 22:43:29

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不多说了 直接上代码........有任何问题请给我邮件.... // *************************************************************************** // // FMX.Win 平台下托盘 // // 版本: 1.0 // 作者: 堕落恶魔 // 修改日期: 2015-06-26 // QQ: 17948876 // E-mail: [email protected] // 博客: http://www.cnblogs.c


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