【BZOJ4421】[Cerc2015] Digit Division 动态规划

【BZOJ4421】[Cerc2015] Digit Division


给出一个数字串,现将其分成一个或多个子串,要求分出来的每个子串能Mod M等于0.

将方案数(mod 10^9+7)


给出N,M,其中1<=N<=300 000,1<=M<=1000 000.




Sample Input

4 2

Sample Output




#include <cstdio>
int n,m,sum,ans,j;
char str[300010];
int main()
	while(str[j])	sum=(sum*10+str[j]-‘0‘)%m,ans=(!sum&&str[j+1])?(ans*2%1000000007):ans,j++;
	return 0;
时间: 2024-12-10 11:41:22

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