mybatis sql返回多个参数



一 需求分析



二 实现


  public class SellerAllEvalPo {

    private Integer totalScore;    private Integer totalEval;    private Integer totalPeople;

public Integer getTotalScore() {        return totalScore;    }

public void setTotalScore(Integer totalScore) {        this.totalScore = totalScore;    }

public Integer getTotalEval() {        return totalEval;    }

public void setTotalEval(Integer totalEval) {        this.totalEval = totalEval;    }

public Integer getTotalPeople() {        return totalPeople;    }

public void setTotalPeople(Integer totalPeople) {        this.totalPeople = totalPeople;    }



    <select id="getSellerAllScore" resultType="SellerAllEvalPo">

    select sum(eval_num) as total_eval, sum(total_score) as total_score from seller_eval_day


    <if test="startTime != null">

        and business_day &gt;= #{startTime}      </if>      <if test="endTime != null">        and business_day &lt;= #{endTime}      </if>      <if test="sellerId != null">         and seller_id = #{sellerId}      </if>    </where>  </select>



时间: 2024-08-03 02:20:40

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