select empno, ename from emp where mgr in
(select empno from emp where job=‘MANAGER‘);
select * from dept where deptno not in (select distinct deptno from emp);
select * from dept where deptno not in (select deptno from emp);
select empno, ename, sal from emp where mgr=
(select empno from emp where ename=‘SCOTT‘);
select * from emp where sal > 1.4*
(select avg(sal) from emp);
insert into dept(deptno, dname, loc) select 50, ‘TRAINING‘, ‘PEKING‘ from dual;
update emp set sal=sal*1.2 where exists (select 1 from dept where deptno=emp.deptno and loc=‘DALLAS‘);
update emp set sal=sal*1.2 where exists (select avg(sal) from dept);
select level, t.* from emp t start with empno=7788 connect by prior empno=mgr;
select level, t.* from emp t start with empno=7788 connect by empno=prior mgr;
时间: 2024-12-14 13:05:19