//通过SaveFileDialog类弹出一个保存对话框 SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); //设置文件的保存类型,默认选中Excel文件 sfd.Filter = "Excel文件|*.xls"; //设置默认保存文件名称 sfd.FileName = "学生信息表"; //如果用户点击了保存对话框的确定按钮 if (sfd.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK) { //获取到Excel文件名 string filename = sfd.FileName; //获取学生列表 //List<Student> list = dataGridView1.DataSource as List<Student>; //内存中创建一个空的Excel文件 HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); //在Excel文件上通过对HSSFSheet创建一个工作表 HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("students"); //给工作表上添加一行 HSSFRow row1 = sheet.CreateRow(0); //在添加的航上创建一个列 HSSFCell cell1 = row1.CreateCell(0,HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); //设置该列的值 cell1.SetCellValue("学号"); cell1 = row1.CreateCell(1, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell1.SetCellValue("学生姓名"); cell1 = row1.CreateCell(2, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell1.SetCellValue("家庭住址"); cell1 = row1.CreateCell(3, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell1.SetCellValue("出生日期"); //遍历dataGridView中的所有列,然后将列添加到Excel工作表中 for (int i = 1; i <=dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { //设置字体 HSSFFont font = workbook.CreateFont(); //字体名称 font.FontName = "华文行楷"; //设置字体大小 font.FontHeightInPoints = 25; //设置列的样式 HSSFCellStyle style1 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); //设置列的背景色 style1.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.ORANGE.index; //设置填充边框样式 style1.FillPattern = HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND; //设置字体显示样式 style1.SetFont(font); HSSFCellStyle style2 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style2.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.YELLOW.index; style2.FillPattern = HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND; HSSFRow row = sheet.CreateRow(i); HSSFCell cell = row.CreateCell(0, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); cell.CellStyle = style1; cell.SetCellValue(dataGridView1.Rows[i - 1].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); cell = row.CreateCell(1,HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.CellStyle = style1; cell.SetCellValue(dataGridView1.Rows[i-1].Cells[1].Value.ToString()); cell = row.CreateCell(2, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.CellStyle = style2; cell.SetCellValue(dataGridView1.Rows[i-1].Cells[2].Value.ToString()); cell = row.CreateCell(3, HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); cell.CellStyle = style2; cell.SetCellValue(dataGridView1.Rows[i-1].Cells[3].Value.ToString()); } using (FileStream fs=new FileStream(filename,FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { //将内容写入到硬盘中 workbook.Write(fs); } MessageBox.Show("导出成功!"); }
void InitializeWorkbook(string path) { //read the template via FileStream, it is suggested to use FileAccess.Read to prevent file lock. //book1.xls is an Excel-2007-generated file, so some new unknown BIFF records are added. using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); } } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); void ConvertToDataTable() { HSSFSheet sheet = hssfworkbook.GetSheetAt(0); System.Collections.IEnumerator rows = sheet.GetRowEnumerator(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { dt.Columns.Add(Convert.ToChar(((int)‘A‘) + j).ToString()); } while (rows.MoveNext()) { HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)rows.Current; DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < row.LastCellNum; i++) { HSSFCell cell = row.GetCell(i); if (cell == null) { dr[i] = null; } else { dr[i] = cell.ToString(); } } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ds.Tables.Add(dt); } //从Excel导入 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitializeWorkbook("学生信息表.xls"); ConvertToDataTable(); dgvexport.DataSource= ds.Tables[0]; }
时间: 2024-11-02 12:15:22