SOJ.Output the Yanghui triangel

Output the Yanghui triangel

总提交数量: 225 通过数量: 59

时间限制:1秒    内存限制:256兆


Write program to output the Yanghui triangel of n*n, where n is an input. The Yanghui triangel is defined as


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1

1 5 10 10 5 1



Each  lines  of the input is an integer that denotes the dimension of the Yanghui triangel that will be outputted to the screen.

An input 0 denotes the end of the input.


Each value of the output is followed by a TAB, include the last value of a line.





1	1
1	2	1
1	3	3	1
1	4	6	4	1
1	1
1	2	1
1	3	3	1
1	4	6	4	1
1	5	10	10	5	1
1	1
1	2	1
1	3	3	1
1	4	6	4	1
1	5	10	10	5	1
1	6	15	20	15	6	1


时间: 2024-08-03 01:37:22

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