Convert the virtual disk to Eager Zeroed Thick

Convert the virtual disk to Eager Zeroed Thick:

  • If the VMDK virtual disk is of type Thin, convert the disk to Eager Zeroed Thick using the vmkfstools --inflatedisk command.      
         For example:
         vmkfstools --inflatedisk /vmfs/volumes/DatastoreName/VMName/VMName.vmdk
         Note: The inflate command reports the percentage of completion.
  • If the VMDK virtual disk is of type Thick, convert the disk to Eager Zeroed Thick using the vmkfstools --eagerzero command.      
         For example:

    vmkfstools --eagerzero /vmfs/volumes/DatastoreName/VMName/VMName.vmdk
         Note: The eager zero command reports the percentage of completion.

Enabling clustering features for an existing virtual disk by converting in place (1035823)

时间: 2024-10-07 21:10:49

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