YUV12(420) to RGB24 和


#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>

#define  min(a,b)  ((a<b)?a:b)
#define  max(a,b)  ((a>b)?a:b)
	/*                     YUV12 to RGB24   (4)	Basic Optimizations	 3.1	*/
	int  yuv420_to_argb888(const unsigned char *y, const unsigned char *u,const unsigned char *v ,int width ,int height ,unsigned char *rgb)
		static const int Precision = 32768 ;
		static const int Coefficient_y =  (int) (1.164*Precision + 0.5);
		static const int Coefficient_rv = (int) (1.596*Precision + 0.5);
		static const int Coefficient_gu = (int) (0.391*Precision + 0.5);
		static const int Coefficient_gv = (int) (0.813*Precision + 0.5);
		static const int Coefficient_bu = (int) (2.018*Precision + 0.5);
		static  int CoefficientY[256];
		static  int CoefficientRV[256];
		static  int CoefficientGU[256];
		static  int CoefficientGV[256];
		static  int CoefficientBU[256];
		static  int _CoefficientsR[1024];
		//static   int _CoefficientsG[1024];
		//static   int _CoefficientsB[1024];
		static int flag = 1 ;

		if (flag)

			for(int i =0;i<256;i++)
				CoefficientY[i] = Coefficient_y *(i - 16) + (Precision/2);
				CoefficientGV[i] = -Coefficient_gv *(i - 128);
				CoefficientBU[i] = Coefficient_bu *(i - 128);
				CoefficientGU[i] = -Coefficient_gu *(i - 128);
				CoefficientRV[i] = Coefficient_rv *(i - 128);

			for(int j=0;j<1024;j++)
				_CoefficientsR[j] = min((max(j-320,0)),255) ;
				//_CoefficientsG[j] = min((max(j-320,0)),255) ;
				//_CoefficientsB[j] = min((max(j-320,0)),255) ;

			flag = 0;
		CoefficientY[0] = -593888;
		CoefficientY[1] = -555746;                            //修复bug!! CoefficientY[1]在第二次进入此函数的时候意外被修改为很大的数,理论值应该为-555746
		int *CoefficientsR = &_CoefficientsR[320];
		// int *CoefficientsG = &_CoefficientsG[320];
		// int *CoefficientsB = &_CoefficientsB[320];

		for ( int h=0;h<height;h++)

				for (int w=0;w<width;w++)
					int k = h*width + w;
					int index = k*3;
					int i = (h/2)*(width/2)+(w/2);
					int Y = y[k];
					int U = u[i];
					int V = v[i];

					//3.3 Optimizations Removing Conditional Tests
					int r = CoefficientY[Y] + CoefficientRV[V];
					int g = CoefficientY[Y] + CoefficientGU[U]+ CoefficientGV[V];
					int b = CoefficientY[Y] + CoefficientBU[U];
					rgb[index]   = CoefficientsR[r/Precision];
					rgb[index+1] = CoefficientsR[g/Precision];
					rgb[index+2] = CoefficientsR[b/Precision];

		return 0;
//Compare 3 images histograms together,
// the first is divided in half along y to test its other half
// Call is:
//    ch7HistCmp modelImage0 testImage1 testImage2 badImage3
// Note that the model image is split in half.  Top half(0) makes model.  It's then tested
// against its lower half(0), testImages 1 and 2 in different lighting and different object 3
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

    IplImage* src[5], *tmp;
	int i;
		if((src[0] = cvLoadImage(argv[1], 1)) == 0){ //We're going to split this one in half
			printf("Error on reading image 1, %s\n",argv[1]);
		//Parse the first image into two image halves divided halfway on y
		printf("Getting size [[%d] [%d]]  format is [%s]\n",src[0]->width,src[0]->height,src[0]->channelSeq);
		CvSize size = cvGetSize(src[0]);
		printf("Get size %d %d\n",size.width,size.height);
		int width = size.width;
		int height = size.height;
		int halfheight = height >> 1;
                //RGB888 to YUV420
		unsigned char * rgb = (unsigned char*)src[0]->imageData;
		unsigned char * yuv = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height + width*height/2);
		unsigned char * y = yuv;
		unsigned char * u = &yuv[width*height];
		unsigned char * v = &yuv[width*height+width*height/4];

		int k = 0;
		for(int i = 0;i<height ;i++)
			for(int j =0;j<width;j++)
				int index = i*width+j;
				unsigned char R = 	rgb[width*i*3+j*3];
				unsigned char G = 	rgb[width*i*3+j*3+1];
				unsigned char B = 	rgb[width*i*3+j*3+2];
				y[index] =  ( (  66 * R + 129 * G +  25 * B + 128) >> 8) +  16;
				y[index] =  min(max(y[index],0),255);

				if( (j%2 ==0)&&(i%2 == 0) )
					u[k] =  ( ( -38 * R -  74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128;
					v[k] =  ( ( 112 * R -  94 * G -  18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128;
					u[k] =  min(max(u[k],0),255);
					v[k] =  min(max(v[k],0),255);

		src[1] = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height), 8, 3);
		yuv420_to_argb888((const unsigned char*)y,(const unsigned char*)u,(const unsigned char*)v,width,height,(unsigned char *)src[1]->imageData);

	cvNamedWindow( "Source0", 1 );
        cvShowImage(   "Source0", src[0] );//原图RGB
	cvNamedWindow( "Source1", 1 );
        cvShowImage(   "Source1", src[1] );//经过RGB88->YUV420->RGB888后的图像

        free(yuv)  }


时间: 2024-10-09 14:16:57

YUV12(420) to RGB24 和的相关文章

YUV12(420) (from)to RGB24

直接上代码 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <stdio.h> #define min(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b) #define max(a,b) ((a>b)?a:b) /************************************************************************/ /* YUV12 to RGB24 (4) Basic Optimizations 3.1 */


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题意... 策略:rt 代码: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define temp 10003 int ans(int n, int p){ int res = 1; n %= temp; while(p){ if(p&1) res = (n*res)%temp; n = (n*n)%temp; p /= 2; } return res; } int main(){ int t, n, p; scanf("%d&

NYOJ 420 p次方求和 (快速幂+同余定理)

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15.2.4 事件冒泡 当浏览者在页面上执行某个动作时,页面上实际有多个元素可以响应该事件 ,假如单击页面的某个按钮,而该按钮又处于<div>元素之内,则实际 上用户既单击了该按钮,也单击了该<div>元素. 代码示范: //脚本代码 var gotClick = function(who) { document.getElementById("results").innerHTML += who+"被单击"; } //HTML代码 <

2月.CN域名总量净增187.7万个 涨幅环比增大420%

IDC评述网(idcps.com)03月10日报道:根据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)最新公布的数据显示,截止至2016年2月,.CN域名总量达到18,688,645个,环比1月,净增1,877,908个,增速有明显增大.下面,请看IDC评述网整理的相关数据情况. (图1).CN域名增长趋势图 通过图1,IDC评述网了解到,在2016年2月份,.CN域名总量急剧增长,攀升至18,688,645个.期间共净增1,877,908个,与上月447,143个的净增量相比,涨幅约增大420%,增速大幅

P次方求和 NYOJ 420

1 #include<stdio.h>//P次方求和(420) 2 long long power(int a,int b) 3 { 4 long long t; 5 if(b==0)return 1%10003; 6 if(b==1)return a%10003; 7 t=power(a,b/2); 8 t=t*t; 9 if(b&1)return a*t%10003; 10 else return t%10003; 11 } 12 int main() 13 { 14 int x;


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NYOJ 420 P次方求和

p次方求和 时间限制:1000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB 难度:3 描述 一个很简单的问题,求1^p+2^p+3^p+--+n^p的和. 输入 第一行单独一个数字t表示测试数据组数.接下来会有t行数字,每行包括两个数字n,p, 输入保证0<n<=1000,0<=p<=1000. 输出 输出1^p+2^p+3^p+--+n^p对10003取余的结果,每个结果单独占一行. 样例输入 2 10 1 10 2 样例输出 55 385 AC码: #include<std