install cx_Oracle on Linux

step 1 : install oracle client library


or search:  instant clients download for Linux x86

download:   # choose your version !!!!     # header files to compile cx_Oracle

unzip them to one directory

step 2: config enviroment variables

export ORACLE_HOME=/path/to/instantclient   # must

config LD_LIBRARY_PATH ( i used it but failed, so i edit file /etc/

after edit file, you need run ldconfig (as root)

step 3: install cx_Oracle

prepare: Python.h

yum install python-devel or  apt-get install python-dev

cause "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh", you need do this


ln -s # repalce version to right num

now you can do this:

pip install cx_Oracle

Good Luck

install cx_Oracle on Linux

时间: 2024-08-09 08:07:08

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