Exercise 44: Inheritance Vs. Composition

class Parent(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.has_key(‘age‘):
            self.__age = kwargs[‘age‘]
        if kwargs.has_key(‘sex‘):
            self.sex = kwargs[‘sex‘]
    def implicit(self):
        print "PARENT implicit()"
    def get_age(self):
        print self.__age
class Child(Parent):

dad = Parent(sex = ‘male‘, age = 45)
son = Child()

解析**kwargs: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5624912/kwargs-parsing-best-practice


class Parent(object):
    def altered(self):
        print "PARENT altered()"
class Child(Parent):
    def altered(self):
        print "CHILD, BEFORE PARENT altered()"
        super(Child, self).altered()
        print "CHILD, AFTER PARENT altered()"
dad = Parent()
son = Child()


class Other(object):
    def override(self):
        print "OTHER override()"
def implicit(self):
    print "OTHER implicit()"
def altered(self):
    print "OTHER altered()"
class Child(object):
    def __init__(self):
self.other = Other()
def implicit(self):
def override(self):
    print "CHILD override()"
def altered(self):
    print "CHILD, BEFORE OTHER altered()"
    print "CHILD, AFTER OTHER altered()"
son = Child()


时间: 2024-12-14 14:18:04

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