hge source explor 0x8 timer





    // Timer
    float                fTime;
    float                fDeltaTime;
    DWORD                nFixedDelta;
    int                  nFPS;
    DWORD                t0, t0fps, dt;
    int                  cfps;


if(dt >= nFixedDelta)
                // fDeltaTime = time step in seconds returned by Timer_GetDelta


                // Cap too large time steps usually caused by lost focus to avoid jerks

                if(fDeltaTime > 0.2f)
                    fDeltaTime = nFixedDelta ? nFixedDelta/1000.0f : 0.01f;

                // Update time counter returned Timer_GetTime

                fTime += fDeltaTime;

                // Store current time for the next frame
                // and count FPS

                if(t0-t0fps <= 1000) cfps++;
                    nFPS=cfps; cfps=0; t0fps=t0;

                // Do user‘s stuff

                if(procFrameFunc()) break;
                if(procRenderFunc) procRenderFunc();

                // If if "child mode" - return after processing single frame

                if(hwndParent) break;

                // Clean up input events that were generated by
                // WindowProc and weren‘t handled by user‘s code


                // If we use VSYNC - we could afford a little
                // sleep to lower CPU usage

                // if(!bWindowed && nHGEFPS==HGEFPS_VSYNC) Sleep(1);




float CALL GEImpl::Timer_GetTime()
    return fTime;



float CALL GEImpl::Timer_GetDelta()
    return fDeltaTime;



int CALL GEImpl::Timer_GetFPS()
    return nFPS;

时间: 2024-12-13 10:54:35

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